UM-St. Louis/Washington University Joint Undergraduate Engineering Program Course Descriptions
Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering
Engineering Policy Engineering Communication Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering

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Prerequisites may be waived by consent of the joint program faculty.


1010 Introduction to Engineering (1)
Course consists of a series of lectures on engineering, fields of study within engineering, the engineering profession, types of work activities, and professional registration. Introduction to team building and the teamwork approach to projects and problem-solving common in an engineering curriculum and in the engineering profession. Guest lecturers will participate.

2310 Statics (3)
Prerequisites: Math 1900 and Physics 2111. Statics of particles and rigid bodies. Equivalent systems of forces. Distributed forces: centroids. Applications to trusses, frames, machines, beams, and cables. Friction. Moments of inertia. Principle of virtual work and applications.

2320 Dynamics (3)
Prerequisite: Engineering 2310. Review of vector algebra and calculus. Kinematics of a particle. Newton's laws and the kinetics of a particle. Work and energy. Impulse and momentum. Kinematics of rigid bodies. General theorems for systems of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies. The inertia tensor.

All courses listed below require admission to candidacy for a degree in the UM-St. Louis/ Washington University Joint Undergraduate Engineering Program.  Prerequisites may be waived by consent of the Joint Program faculty.  Audits are not permitted.

Chemical Engineering

JCHE 4430 Environmental Engineering Chemistry (3)
Prerequisite: Chemistry 1121. Introduction to the engineering aspects of air, water, soil, and geosphere chemistry. Toxicology and hazardous wastes. Pollution sources, dynamics, and ultimate fates. Sampling, control strategies, and regulations.

Civil Engineering  

JCE 1451 Engineering Graphics (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Techniques in graphic communication and problem solving and design utilizing freehand sketches and computer graphics. Principles of orthographic projection, pictorial drawing, sectional views, dimensioning and tolerancing. Computer drawing and modeling: layout techniques, editing commands, drawing management, and plotting. Design project: individual or small group assignments, the design process, preliminary drawings. This course is required for civil engineering majors.

JCE 2160 Surveying (3)
Horizontal and vertical control surveys, including traverses, triangulation, trilateration, and leveling; basic adjustments of observations; geodetic data; coordinate systems. Basic route surveying, including horizontal and vertical curves.

JCE 2620 Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3)
Prerequisites: Math 2000 and Chemistry 1121. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the field of environmental engineering.  The course will emphasize basic principles of mass and energy conservation which govern physical, chemical and biological processes.  Applications include the estimation of contaminent concentrations and the design of environmental controls.

JCE 3360 Civil Engineering Materials Lab (1)
Testing procedures, testing machines, use of laboratory equipment, analysis of data, and presentation of results.  Laboratory tests on static tension, compression, bending, and torsion of metal specimens.  Tests on wood.  Determination of compressive and tensile strengths of concrete.  Design of concrete mixes and verification of strength.  Experiments in advanced topics in mechanics of materials.

JCE 3410 Structural Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: JME 2410. A review of the calculation of reactions, shear, and bending moment. Definition, construction and use of influence lines. Deflections for statically determinate structures using the virtual work method. Analysis of statically indeterminate trusses using the method of consistent deformations. Analysis of continuous beams and planar frames using the consistent deformation, slope-deflection and moment distribution methods. The influence of span on strength, stability, and economy of structures. An introduction to structural analysis software.

JCE 3420 Structural Design (3)
Prerequisites: JME 3250 and JCE 3410.  Fundamentals of structural design in steel, reinforced concrete, and timber. Familiarization with the sources of various design codes and practice in interpreting them. Computer graphics applications.

JCE 3520 Environmental Engineering Science (3)
Prerequisite: JME 3700 (may be taken concurrently) or permission of instructor. Application of the basic principles of chemistry, microbiology, and fluid mechanics to the analysis of environmental problems, especially those involving control of water and land contamination. Properties of municipal and industrial waste water, solid waste, and hazardous waste. Estimation of assimilative capacity and other characteristics of receiving waters. Introduction to unit processes and unit operations used in the treatment of municipal and industrial waste water. Design of professes and facilities used for treating drinking water, waste water, and sludge disposal. Waste minimization and recycling in both industrial and municipal settings.

JCE 3740 Hydraulics and Hydrology (3)
Prerequisite: JME 3700 (may be taken concurrently). The concepts and theory of hydraulics and hydrology are discussed through lectures and practical engineering applications. Open channel flow, hydrograph analysis, watershed hydrology, frequency concepts, hydraulic design, and sedimentation are addressed.

JCE 3760 Hydraulic Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: JME 3700. The principles of open channel flow will be discussed and illustrated with practical examples. Methods for channel design, storm sewer, culvert and bridge analysis will be presented using the concepts of gradually-varied, steady flow. A design project using computerized analysis and design is used to implement concepts in a large practical application.

JCE 4000 Independent Study (1-6)
Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of faculty adviser. Independent investigation of a civil engineering topic of special interest to a student performed under the direction of a faculty member.

JCE 4080 Environmental Engineering Laboratory - Water/Soil (3)
Prerequisite: JCHE 4430. Laboratory experiments to illustrate the application of engineering fundamentals to environmental systems. Characterization and control of water/soil pollutants. Introduction to relevant analytical instrumentation and laboratory techniques. Laboratory work supported with theoretical analysis and modeling as appropriate.

JCE 4090 Environmental Engineering Laboratory - Air (3)
Prerequisite: JCHE 4430. Laboratory Experiments to illustrate the application of engineering fundamentals to environmental systems. Characterization and control of air pollutants. Introduction to relevant analytical instrumentation and laboratory techniques. Laboratory work supported with theoretical analysis and modeling as appropriate.

JCE 4100 Design of Timber Structures (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 3410 and JCE 3420. Study of basic physical and mechanical properties of wood and design considerations. Design and behavior of wood beams, columns, beam-columns, connectors, and fasteners. Introduction to plywood and glued laminates members. Analysis and design of structural diaphragms and shear walls.

JCE 4160 Introduction to Elasticity (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 141.  Introduction to elasticity: indicial notation, stress and strain, material laws.  Plane stress and plane strain problems and illustrations.  Torsion of prismatic bars.  Energy principles: virtual work, potential energy and complementary energy theorems, reciprocal theorems  Introduction to plates and shells.

JCE 4190 Soil Mechanics (3)
Prerequisites: JME 2410 and JME 3700. Basic geology as it relates to index and classification properties of soil. Exploration, sampling, and testing techniques. Soil compaction and stabilization. Capillary, shrinkage, swelling, and frost action in soils. Effective stress, permeability, seepage, and flow nets. Consolidation and consolidation settlements. Stresses in soil. Time rate of consolidation. Mohr's circle, stress path, and failure theories. Shearing strength of sand and clays.

JCE 4200 Soil Exploration and Testing (1)
Prerequisite: JCE 4190 (may be taken concurrently). Soil exploration; in-situ testing, laboratory testing of soil; processing of test data using a microcomputer; statistical analysis of test data; use of test results in the decision-making process.

JCE 4220 Pre-Stressed Concrete Design (3)
Prerequisites: Senior status. Analysis and design of prestressed concrete members.  Direct design of composite and noncomposite members for flexure.  Design of continuous beams.  Flexural strength, shear strength, and design of anchorage zone.

JCE 4230 Construction Cost Engineering (3)
The students will examine cost engineering principles. Fundamentals will be reviewed and applied to problems of cost estimating , cost control, business planning and management science, profitability analysis, project management, and planning and scheduling.  The course will conclude with the 3 ½ hour Interim Cost Consultant certification exam administered by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineers International.  The Interim Level Certification Program allows recent graduates who have at least 4 years experience, in cost management to actively pursue the cost engineering principles certificate.  The four years of experience may consist of appropriate college-level academic training (engineering, construction management, architecture, finance, quantity surveying, or other AACE training.

JCE 4250 Professional Engineering Services (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing.  An introduction to the use and integration of professional services for Project Design and Delivery Systems in construction projects will be presented. The relationship between owner and the professional service personnel, architects, engineers, contractors and construction managers will be explored in detail. The role, techniques, procedures, management principles, and professional responsibilities will be presented and discussed. Real projects will be presented to illustrate the various project delivery systems used in design and construction. These points will be illustrated through a semester long team project.

JCE 4370 Matrix Structural Analysis (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 3410.  This course will cover analysis of framed structures, planar and 3-D, using beam--column elements and shear walls and floors. Flexibility and stiffness analyses are performed by generating the matrices and carrying through the analyses step by step with a matrix manipulator program. A commercially available program is used to check at least one problem.

JCE 4390 Computational Structural Mechanics (3)
This course is an introduction to analysis and design of structures using finite elements.  The topics covered include:  elementary theory of elasticity, plate theories and buckling of plate structures, finite element formulation of 2-D elasticity and plate problems.  Hands on use of commercial finite element software is emphasized throughout.  A major design project is included.

JCE 4440 Geographical Information Systems in Transportation (3)
Prerequisites: Junior standing. A practical, hands-on approach to spatial database design and spatial data analysis with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as applied to planning and engineering. Course objectives are to examine how digital earth resources data are collected, stored, analyzed, and displayed.  The emphasis will be on transportation problems, although additional applications will be discussed.

JCE 4580 Structural Stability (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing.  This course will cover the following topics: classification of instability phenomena; imperfection sensitivity; illustration with mechanical models; systems with finite degrees of freedom,; postbuckling analysis using perturbation techniques; stability and nonlinear behavior of struts, plates, and cylindrical shells; nonconservation problems; and numerical methods.

JCE 4600 Highway and Traffic Engineering (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 2160 and senior standing. Study of basic highway design and traffic circulation principles. Study of design elements of alignment, profile, cross-section, intersection types, interchange types, and controlled-access highways. Investigation of functional highway classification. Traffic volume, delay and accident studies. Analysis of highway capacity of uninterrupted flow, interrupted flow.  Freeway, ramp, and weaving sections.

JCE 4620 Transportation Planning (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing.  This course will cover the following topics:  fundamentals of multimodal transportation planning; urban study components, including study design and organization, origin-destination analysis, traditional traffic model processes of trip generation, distribution and assignment; urban transportation entity analysis (shopping centers, terminals, etc.); state and regional study components, including state and national needs and capital improvement programs, regional funding capabilities and related national transportation policy and legislative acts.

JCE 4630 Design of Steel Structures (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 3410, JCE 3420. Behavior and design of steel frames by “allowable stress” and “maximum strength” based on deterministic and LRFD (Load-resistance factor design) methods.  Design of beams, columns, beam-columns, plate girders, connections, multistory frames, and bridge girders.  Torsional design of steel structures.  Plastic analysis and design of steel structures.  Miscellaneous topics in structural steel construction and design.

JCE 4640 Foundations (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 3420, JCE 4190 and JCE 4200.  Principal problems in design and construction of foundations for bridges and buildings. Bearing capacity of deep and shallow foundations; pressure on retaining walls and slope stability; modern developments in piling, cofferdams, open caissons, pneumatic caissons.

JCE 4650 Airport Planning and Construction (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing.  Fundamentals of airport planning location, construction, and legislative and fiscal implementation.  Location principles with respect to the region and the site.  Analysis of air travel demand models.  Air control systems and navigation principles affecting airport design.  Design of the site for runway, taxiway, and terminal location.  Pavement and construction principles with respect to design.  Current federal policy and fiscal programming for airport planning.  Principles of integration with ground transport systems.

JCE 4660 Advanced Design of Concrete Structures (3)
Prerequisites: JME 3250, JCE 3410, JCE 3420. Flexural behavior and design, strength and deformation of rectangular and nonrectangular sections, shear strength, beam-columns, long columns, slab systems, design of frames, and footings will be covered.

JCE 4690 Construction Management Project (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 4730 and JEP 3810. The course entails the study of principles and steps involved in the development of a project from design through bidding and construction with emphasis on preconstruction planning and construction operations. The students will be required to submit a report on project budget, bidding strategy and construction schedule. Lecture topics will be supplemented by a resource pool of consultants on estimating, scheduling and contracting who will provide advice and guidance to the students.

JCE 4720 Legal Aspects of Construction (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. A survey of the legal problems of the construction manager. Including but not limited to, liability in the areas of contracts, agency, torts, assurance, bad judgment and oversight.

JCE 4730 Construction Operations and Management (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. The construction industry, its development, components, and organization. Contracting methods. Applications and limitations. Selection of equipment using production analysis and economics. Field engineering, including form design, shoring, embankment design. Purchasing and change orders. Safety and claims.

JCE 4740 Economic Decisions in Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Principles of economics involved in engineering decisions. Decisions between alternatives based on the efficient allocation of resources. Topics include the time element in economics, analytical techniques for economy studies, and taxes.

JCE 4741 Construction Project Planning Scheduling (3)
The course will familiarize students with the basic foundation of the construction scheduling process.  Included will be a detailed survey of scheduling techniques in an integrated construction planning, scheduling, and control systems.  Students will gain an understanding of the critical path method theory, legal implications, and practice.  Students will learn to use commercial project management and scheduling software and apply it to a variety of construction problems and projects.  (This course will be a combination of two intense weekend meetings, a weekly Internet contact, and two meetings for course introduction and testing.)

JCE 4750 Introduction to Urban Planning (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. A focus on the fundamental factors and techniques that the civil engineer must consider: population, economic base, land use, urban design, regional analysis, fiscal analysis, zoning, and public facilities analysis.  Synthesis of these techniques into a major student project, typically involving groups of three to six students. Each project is assigned by the instructor and usually involves a real-life situation or problem that requires original data collection. In-class presentation, discussion, and critique of each group project.

JCE 4760 Site Planning and Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. A focus on the legal, engineering, and economic aspects of planning and design of facilities at a site-specific level. Concepts of legal and economic feasibility of site design are developed in conjunction with the study of civil engineering activities involved in dealing with urban design alternatives for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational land uses. Case studies and review of current legislation affecting site planning and engineering are undertaken, culminating in a major design project.

JCE 4770 Decision Analysis and Construction Applications (3)
Introduction and application of systems engineering and statistics toward solving construction and civil engineering problems. Included are the following topics: network and linear programming models, construction and evaluation of decision trees to clarify choice of actions under uncertainty, probability distributions, sample statistics, linear regression models, sampling plans for quality assurance. Personal computer usage emphasized for problem solving.

JCE 4780 Knowledge-Based Expert Systems in Civil Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: JCS 1360 or equivalent. Topics relating to the development of expert systems discussed with emphasis on application in civil and structural engineering. Subjects include knowledge engineering, frame- and rule-based expert systems, use of expert shells and tools, prototyping, and reasoning with uncertainty. Case studies and computer exercises supplement lectures. Students are expected to develop a prototype expert system.

JCE 4800 Computer Applications in Construction Management (3)
Prerequisite: JCE 4730. A comprehensive study of computer applications in construction management.  Topics include: configuration of hardware/software requirements for the management of a typical project; application programs used in project date base management and project schedule/cost control systems; data management techniques and development of custom reports for use in project management and control.

JCE 4810 Construction Technology (3)
A comprehensive study of the core construction methods and practices used on the jobsite today.  Emphasizes the types of construction materials, technologies, and applications available to the contractor, their use and function on the project, and the importance and interrelationship of these factors to the success of the construction project delivery.  (Saturday site visits required)

JCE 4820 Design of Water Quality Control Facilities (3)
Prerequisite: JCE 3520. Application of environmental engineering principles to design of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Critical review of process design issues associated with physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes. Definition of problems and objectives, evaluation of alternatives, and use of these concepts in process design. Design-oriented class/group project.

JCE 4840 Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering Design (3)
Prerequisite: JCE 3420 (may be taken concurrently). Probability concepts. Analytical models of random phenomena. Functions of random variables. Estimating parameters from data. Empirical determination of distribution models. Regression and correlation analyses. Monte Carlo simulation. Detailed examples of the application of probabilistic methods to structural, transportation, hydrologic, and environmental system design.

JCE 4850 Bridge Analysis and Design (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 3420. Study of fundamental bridge design philosophy and theory of analysis using AASHTO Specifications.  Strong emphasis on practical design aspects of steel, and concrete bridges and associated analytical approaches.  Introduction to commercially available design software providing real world solutions to various design challenges.  Seismic design and analysis are also included.

JCE 4860 Design of Masonry Structures (3)
Prerequisite: JCE 3420. History of masonry construction; masonry materials and components; loadings for masonry structures; fundamentals of working stress design; fundamentals of strength design; design of gravity load resisting elements; design of lateral load resisting elements; details, connections and joints; design of low-rise buildings; design of high-rise buildings; design for water penetration resistance; quality control/inspection.

JCE 4940 Public Transportation Technology (3)
Prerequisites: JCE 4620.  An in-depth study and analysis of conventional and emerging public transportation state-of-the-art systems.  Brief review of conventional transportation systems, study of bus-rapid systems, demand responsive bus systems, personal rapid transit, dual-mode, guide-way and automated freeway systems, and high-speed rail TACV systems.  Review of current Department of Transportation Administration-Urban Mass Transportation Administration New Systems Research and Demonstration Programs.  Students will be responsible for a major project endeavor at conclusion of course.

JCE 4950 Fundamentals of Engineering Review (1)
Prerequisites: Senior Standing.   The topics found in most engineer-in-training exams will be reviewed and illustrated using examples.  A discussion of the importance of licensing exams and the strategies for taking these exams will be discussed.  The main topics for review include: engineering mathematics, basic chemistry, engineering mechanics, engineering economics, thermodynamics, electrical circuits, and material science.

JCE 4990 Senior Civil Engineering Seminar
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Students will research assigned topics of importance to graduates entering the Civil Engineering profession and prepare oral presentations and a written report. Student presentations will be augmented by lectures from practicing professionals. Topics include professional registration, early career development, graduate study, effective presentations, construction quality, and case histories of civil engineering projects.

Computer Science

JCS 1002 Introduction to Computing Tools: MATLAB Skills (1)
This course is aimed at the acquisition of MATLAB skills through hands on familiarization and practice.  Students practice the array, vector, and mesh grid representations, use programming and plotting, and apply these skills to solve numerical problems and generate reports. (JCS 1002 and CS 1250 can substitute for JCS 1360)

JCS 1260 Introduction to Computing Programming (3)
Workshop course (lectures and supervised laboratory sessions) covering the fundamental organization and operating principles of digital computers and the systematic design and development of well-structured programs. After an intensive exposure to algorithmic principles and programming techniques and practices using the JAVA language, students learn about a computer's internal structure through the use of a simple Von Neumann machine simulator.

Electrical Engineering

JEE 2300 Introduction to Electrical Networks (3)
Prerequisites: Physics 2112 and Math 2020 (may be taken concurrently). Elements, sources, and interconnects. Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws, superposition and Thevenin's theorem; the resistive circuit, transient analysis, sinusoidal analysis, and frequency response.

JEE 2320 Introduction to Electronic Circuits (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2300. Introduction to contemporary electronic devices and their circuit applications. Terminal characteristics of active semiconductor devices. Incremental and D-C models of junction diodes, bipolar transistor (BJTs), and metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) are developed and used to design single- and multi-stage amplifiers. Models of the BJT and MOSFET in cutoff and saturation regions are used to design digital circuits.

JEE 2330 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Laboratory (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2300. Lectures and laboratory exercises related to sophomore topics in introductory networks and basic electronics.

JEE 2600 Introduction to Digital Logic and Computer Design (3)
Prerequisite: JCS 1260. Digital computers and digital information-processing system; Boolean algebra, principles and methodology of logical design; machine language programming; register transfer logic; microprocessor hardware, software, and interfacing; fundamentals of digital circuits and systems; computer organization and control; memory systems; arithmetic unit design.  Occasional laboratory exercises.

JEE 3300 Engineering Electro Magnetic Principles (3)
Electromagnetic theory as applied to electrical engineering: vector calculus; electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations, including Poynting's theorem and boundary conditions; uniform plane-wave propagation; transmission lines - TEM modes, including treatment of general, lossless line, and pulse propagation; introduction to guided waves; introduction to radiation and scattering concepts

JEE 3320 Power, Energy, and Polyphase Circuits (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2300. Fundamental concepts of power and energy; electrical measurements; physical and electrical arrangement of electrical power systems; polyphase circuit theory and calculations; principle elements of electrical systems such as transformers, rotating machines, control, and protective devices, their description and characteristics; elements of industrial power system design.

JEE 3340 Network Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 3510. Theoretical and practical aspects of electrical networks. Loop and nodal analysis of multiport networks. Transfer functions, admittance and impedance functions, and matrices. Magnitude and phase relations. Butterworth, Chebyshev, and other useful network response functions. Network theorems. Computer-aided design. Synthesis of passive (LC, RC, RLC) networks and of active (RC) networks.

JEE 3360 Principles of Electronic Devices (3)
Prerequisite: Physics 2112. Introduction to the solid-state physics of electronic materials and devices, including semiconductors, metals, insulators, diodes and transistors. Crystal growth technology and fundamental properties of crystals. Electronic properties and band structure of electronic materials, and electron transport in semiconductor materials. Fabrication of pn junction diodes, metal-semiconductor junctions, and transistors and integrated-circuit chips. Fundamental electrical properties of rectifying diodes and light-emitting diodes, bipolar transistors and field-effect transistors. Device physics of diodes and transistors, large-signal electrical behavior and high -frequency properties.

JEE 3370 Electronic Devices and Circuits (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2320. Introduction to semiconductor electronic devices: transistors and diodes. Device electrical DC and high-frequency characteristics. Bipolar transistors, field-effect transistors, and MOS transistors for analog electronics applications. Transistor fabrication as discrete devices and as integrated-circuit chips. Large-signal analysis of transistor amplifiers: voltage gain, distortion, input resistance and output resistance. Analysis of multitransistor amplifiers: Darlington, Cascode, and coupled-pair configurations. Half-circuit concepts, differential-mode gain, common-mode gain, and differential-to-single-ended conversion. Transistor current sources, active loads, and power-amplifier stages. Applications to operational amplifiers and feedback circuits.

JEE 3510 Signals and Systems (3)
Prerequisites: JEE 2300 and JEMT 3170. Elementary concepts of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and frequency-domain analysis of LTI systems. Laplace transforms, Z-transforms, and rational function descriptions of LTI systems. Principles of sampling and modulation. Students participate weekly in recitation sections to develop oral communications skills using class materials.

JEE 3620 Computer Architecture (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2600. Study of interaction and design philosophy of hardware and software for digital computer systems: Machine organization, data structures, I/O considerations. Comparison of minicomputer architectures.

JEE 4000 Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites:  Senior in good standing.  Opportunities to acquire experience outside the classroom setting and to work closely with individual members of the faculty.  A final report must be submitted to the department.  Open as a senior elective only.  Hours and credit to be arranged.  Credit variable, maximum credit per semester 3 hours.  Maximum program total credit 3 hours.

JEE 4020 Computer-Aided Design of Electronic Systems (3)
Prerequisites: JEE 2320 and JEE 3510. Introduction to computer-aided Techniques in the solution of network and electronic design problems, including filters; analysis of linear and nonlinear circuits; methods for numerical integration, evaluation of the Fourier integral; numerical methods for solving differential equations, automated methods for design; sparse matrix techniques. Use of problem-oriented languages such as SPICE. Methods for the analysis and design of digital circuits and systems.

JEE 4300 Engineering Electromagnetics Applications (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 3300. Study of important applications of electromagnetic theory. Solution of electrostatic and magnetostatic problems involving Laplace and Poisson's equations subject to boundary conditions. Maxwell's equations, including boundary conditions for dielectrics and conductors, reflection and transmission characteristics with effects due to losses. Study of guided waves in rectangular and optical wave guides, including effects of dispersion. S-parameters and transmission networks, including S-matrix properties, relation to impedance, reflection coefficient, VSWR, and Smith chart. Study of antennas, including exposure to terminology and thinwire antennas.

JEE 4340 Solid State Power Circuits & Applications (3)
Prerequisites:  JEE 2320, JEE 3510. Study of the strategies and applications of power control using solid-state semiconductor devices.  Survey of generic power electronic converters.  Applications to power supplies, motor drives, and consumer electronics, Introduction to power diodes, thyristors, and MOSFETs.

JEE 4350 Electrical Energy Laboratory (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2330. Experimental studies of principles important in modern electrical energy systems. Topics: power measurement, transformers, batteries, static frequency converters, thermoelectric cooling, solar cells, electrical lighting, induction, commutator, and brushless motors, synchronous machines.

JEE 4380 Applied Optics (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 3300. Topics relevant to the engineering and physics of conventional as well as experimental optical systems and applications explored. Items addressed include geometrical optics, Fourier optics such as diffraction and holography, polarization and optical birefringence such as liquid crystals, and nonlinear optical phenomena and devices.

JEE 4410 Control Systems (3)
Prerequisites:  JEMT 3170, JEE 2300 [same as JME 4310] Introduction to automatic control concepts.  Block diagram representation of single and multiloop systems.  Multi-input and multi-output systems.  Control system components.  Transient and steady-state performance; stability analysis; Routh, Nyquist, Bode, and root locus diagrams.  Compensation using lead, lag and lead-lag networks.  Synthesis by Bode plots and root-locus diagrams.  Introduction to state-variable techniques, state-transition matrix, state-variable feedback.

JEE 4420 Digital Control Systems (3)
Prerequisite: JME 4310. The control of physical systems with a digital computer, microprocessor, or special-purpose digital hardware is becoming very common. Course continues JME 4310 to develop models and mathematical tools needed to analyze and design these digital, feedback-control systems. Linear, discrete dynamic systems. The Z-transform. Discrete equivalents to continuous transfer functions. Sampled-data control systems. Digital control systems design using transfer and state-space methods Systems comprised of digital and continuous subsystems. Quantization effects. System identification. Multivariable and optimum control.

JEE 4600 Switching Theory (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2600.  Advanced topics in switching theory as employed in the analysis and design of various information- and material-processing systems. Combinational techniques; minimization, logic elements, bilateral devices, multiple output networks, symmetrical and iterative functions, threshold logic, state identification and fault detection, hazards, and reliable design. Sequential techniques: synchronous circuits, state tables, machine minimization, state assignment, asynchronous circuits, finite state machines.

JEE 4630 Digital Integrated Circuit Design and Architecture (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2320 and JEE 3620.  Brief review of device characteristics important to digital circuit operation, followed by detailed evaluation of steady-state and transient behavior of logic circuits. Implications of and design techniques for very large-scale integrated circuits including architecture, timing, and interconnection.  Students must complete detailed design and layout of a digital circuit.  Major emphasis on MOS digital circuits with some comparisons to other technologies.

JEE 4640 Digital Systems Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 2320.  Design and characterization of digital circuits, reliable and predictable interconnection of digital devices, and information transfer over busses and other connections.  Topics include: Review of MOSFET operation; CMOS logic gate electrical characteristics; System and single-point noise margin and noise budgets; Figures of merit for noise-margin and poser-delay product, and tradeoff between noise margin and propagation delay; Transmission-line driving including reflection, termination, non-zero transition time; lumped and distributed capacitance loads, non-linear terminations, and applicable conditions for lumped approximations; Coupled transmission lines, forward and backward crosstalk, short line approximations, ground bounce, and simultaneous switching noise; Timing, clocking, and clock distribution for digital circuits; Prediction of metastability error rates and design for acceptable probability of failure.  Examples and design exercises using systems and interconnections selected from current Computer Engineering practice such as RAMBUS, PCI bus, GTL, LVDS, and others.

JEE 4650 Digital Systems Laboratory (3)
Prerequisites: JEE 2600, JEE 2320 Procedure for reliable digital design, both combinational and sequential; understanding manufacturers’ specifications; use of special test equipment; characteristics of common SSI, MSI, and LSI devices; assembling, testing, and simulating design; construction procedures; maintaining signal integrity.  Several single-period laboratory exercises, several design projects, and application of a microprocessor in digital design.  Microprocessor programs are written in assembly language on a host computer and down loaded to the laboratory station for debugging.  One lecture and one laboratory period a week.

JEE 4670 Embedded Computer Systems (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing. Microcontrollers and digital signal processors are often utilized in applications such as communications systems, automotive control systems, biomedical instrumentation, consumer appliances, and industrial control systems.  The purpose of this course is to examine a variety of issues regarding the real-time application of embedded microprocessor systems.  Topics will include digital processing, the operation of sensors and transducers, signal representation, system design and software development.  Classes will include lecture and laboratory sessions.  Depending on student interest exemplary applications from the following list will be studied: automotive control, biomedical instrumentation. Communication systems, speech processing, data compression, and audio and acoustic processing.

JEE 4710 Communications Theory and Systems (3)
Prerequisites: JEE 3510 and JEMT 3260.  Introduction to the concepts of transmission of information via communication channels.  Amplitude and angle modulation for the transmission of continuous-time signals.  Analog-to-digital conversion and pulse code modulation. Transmission of digital data.  Introduction to random signals and noise and their effects on communication.  Optimum detection systems in the presence of noise.  Elementary information theory.  Overview of various communication technologies such as radio, television, telephone networks, data communication, satellites, optical fiber, and cellular radio.

JEE 4820 Digital Signal Processing (3)
Prerequisite: JEE 3510. Introduction to analysis and synthesis of discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.  Discrete-time convolution, discrete-time Fourier transform, Z-transform, rational function descriptions of discrete-time LTI systems.  Sampling, analog-to-digital conversion and digital processing of analog signals.  Techniques for the design of finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters.  Hardware implementation of digital filters and finite-register effects.  The discrete Fourier transform and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm.

JEE 4880 Signals and Systems Laboratory – Lecture/Lab (3)
Prerequisites: JEE 3510.  A laboratory course designed to complement the traditional EE course offerings in signal processing, communication theory, and automatic control.  Signals and systems fundamentals: continuous-time and discrete-time linear time-invariant systems, impulse and step response, frequency response, A/D and D/A conversion. Digital signal processing: FIR and IIR digital filter design, implementation and application of the Fast Fourier Transform.  Communication theory: baseband, digital communication, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, bandpass digital communication.  Automatic control: system modeling, feedback control systems, closed-loop transient and frequency response.  Laboratory experiments involve analog and digital electronics, and mechanical systems.  Computer workstations and modern computational software used extensively for system simulation, real-time signal processing, and discrete-time automatic control.

JEE 4980 Electrical Engineering Design Projects (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Working in teams, students address design tasks assigned by faculty. Each student participates in one or more design projects in a semester. Projects are chosen to emphasize the design process, with the designer choosing one of several paths to a possible result. Collaboration with industry and all divisions of the university is encouraged.

Engineering and Policy

JEP 3810 Topics in Engineering Management (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Techniques relating to managing engineering professionals and engineering activities are introduced and discussed. The engineer's transition into project and project team management. Role of engineering and technology in major corporations. Engineering managerial functions, including production and use of financial information in planning, scheduling, and assessing engineering projects. Motivation of individual and group behavior among technical professionals. Macroeconomic factors influencing technical decision-making and engineering project management. Additional topics will vary from year to year, but will typically include government relations, regulation, compensation, ethics, production, operations, the quality function, and technological innovation.

JEP 4370 Environmental Risk Assessment (3)
Prerequisite: JCE 4740 or JEMT 3260. Definition of risk and uncertainty.  Risk assessment concepts and their practical application. Principles of human health and ecological toxicology. Bioassays. Exposure characterization, modeling, and measurement. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of human and animal studies. Dose-response models and parameter estimation. Low-dose extrapolation. Structure activity relationships. Estimating individual risk and aggregate risk. Risk assessment methods in regulatory decision making and standard setting. Application of risk assessment in hazardous waste site evaluation and remediation.

JEP 4610 Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. Survey of the most prominent federal laws governing environmental compliance and pollution control. Examines laws applicable to environmental impact statements, air pollution, water pollution, and hazardous waste. Addresses policy concerning the relative merits of using technological capabilities as compared to health risks in setting environmental standards. Discusses the need for environmental regulation to protect societal resources.

Engineering Communications

JEC 3100 Engineering Communications (3)
Prerequisites: English 1100 and junior standing. Persistent concerns of grammar and style. Analysis and discussion of clear sentence and paragraph structure and of organization in complete technical documents. Guidelines for effective layout and graphics. Examples and exercises stressing audience analysis, graphic aids, editing, and readability. Videotaped work in oral presentation of technical projects. Writing assignments include descriptions of mechanisms, process instructions, basic proposals, letters and memos, and a long formal report.

Engineering Mathematics

JEMT 3170 Engineering Mathematics (4)
Prerequisite: Math 2020. The Laplace transform and applications; series solutions of differential equations, Bessel's equation, Legendre's equation, special functions; matrices, eigenvalues, and eigenfunctions; vector analysis and applications; boundary value problems and spectral representation; Fourier series and Fourier integrals; solution of partial differential equations of mathematical physics.

JEMT 3260 Probability and Statistics for Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: Math 2000.  Study of probability and statistics together with engineering applications. Probability and statistics: random variables, distribution functions, density functions, expectations, means, variances, combinatorial probability, geometric probability, normal random variables, joint distribution, independence, correlation, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem. Applications: reliability, quality control, acceptance sampling, linear regression, design and analysis of experiments, estimation, hypothesis testing. Examples are taken from engineering applications. This course is required for electrical and mechanical engineering majors.

Mechanical Engineering

JME 1413 Introduction to Engineering Design: CAD (2)
An introduction to engineering design in the context of mechanical engineering.  Students learn the fundamentals of spatial reasoning and graphical representation.  Freehand sketching, including pictorial and orthographic views, are applied to the design process.  Computer modeling techniques provide accuracy, analysis, and visualization tools necessary for the design of devices and machines.  Topics in detailing design for production , including fasteners, dimensioning, tolerancing, and creation of part and assembly drawings are also included.

JME 1414 Introduction to Engineering Design: Project (2)
An introduction to engineering design in the context of mechanical  engineering.  Students first complete a series of experiments that introduce physical phenomena related to mechanical engineering.  Understanding is achieved by designing and building simple devices and machines.  The course proceeds to a design contest in which the students design and build from a kit of parts a more significant machine that competes in a contest held at the end of the course.  The course is open to all and is appropriate for anyone interested in mechanical devices, design, and the design process.

JME 2410 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (3)
Prerequisites: Math 1900 and Engineering 2310. Normal and shear stresses and strains. Stress-strain diagrams. Hooke's law and elastic energy. Thermal stresses. Stresses in beams, columns, torsional members, and pressure vessels. Elastic deflection of beams and shafts. Statically indeterminate structures. Mohr's circle of stress. Stability concepts.

JME 3200 Thermodynamics (3)
Prerequisites: Math 1900, Chemistry 1111 and Physics 2111. Classical thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties, work and heat, first and second laws. Entropy, irreversibility, availability. Application to engineering systems.

JME 3210 Energetics for Mechanical Engineers (3)
Prerequisite: JME 3200. Thermodynamic cycle analysis: vapor power, internal combustion, gas turbine, refrigeration. Maxwell relations and generalized property relationships for non ideal gases. Mixtures of ideal gases, psychrometrics, ideal solutions. Combustion processes, first and second law applications to reacting systems. Chemical equilibrium. Compressible flow in nozzles and diffusers.

JME 3221 Mechanical Design and Machine Elements (4)
Prerequisites: JME 1414, JME 1415, JME 2410, JEMT 3170. Provides a thorough overview of the steps in the engineering design process and introduces analytical/quantitative techniques applicable to each step.  Topics include recognition of need, specification formulation, concept generation, concept selection, embodiment and detail design.  Includes an introduction to several classes of machine elements such as bearings, gears, belts, brakes, and springs.  Underlying analytical model of the machine elements are presented along with guidelines about designing and choosing such elements for practical applications.  A case study from industry will emphasize how the steps of the design process were done as well as the rationale for choosing particular machine elements.

JME 3250 Materials Science for JME (4)
Prerequisite: Chemistry 1111. Introduces the chemistry and physics of engineering materials. Emphasis on atomic and molecular interpretation of physical and chemical properties, the relationships between physical and chemical properties, and performance of an engineering material.

JME 3251 Materials Science for JCE (3)
Prerequisite:  Chemistry 1111.  Same as JME 3250 but without the laboratory.  Introduces the chemistry and physics of engineering materials.  Emphasis on atomic and molecular interpretation of physical and chemical properties, the relationships between physical and chemical properties, and performance of an engineering material.

JME 3611 Materials Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: JME 3250. This course deals with the application of fundamental materials science principles in various engineering disciplines. Topics covered include design of new materials having unique property combinations, selection of materials for use in specific service environments, prediction of materials performance under service conditions, and development of processes to produce materials with improved properties. The structural as well as functional use of metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites will be discussed.

JME 3700 Fluid Mechanics (3)
Prerequisites: JEMT 3170 and Engineering 2320. Fundamental concepts of fluids as continua. Viscosity. Flow field: velocity, vorticity, streamlines. Fluid statics: hydrostatic forces manometers. Conservation of mass and momentum. Incompressible inviscid flow. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Flow in pipes and ducts. Flow measurement. Boundary-layer concepts. Flow in open channels.

JME 3710 Principles of Heat Transfer (3)
Prerequisites: JME 3200, JME 3700 and JEMT 3170.   Introductory treatment of the principles of heat transfer by conduction, convection, or radiation. Mathematical analysis of steady and unsteady conduction along with numerical methods. Analytical and semiempirical methods of forced and natural convection systems. heat exchangers: LMTD and e-NTU analysis. Boiling and condensation heat transfer. Radiation between blackbody and real surfaces. Radiation network analysis.

JME 3721 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (1)
Prerequisite: JME 3700. Physical laboratory exercises focusing on fluid properties and flow phenomena covered in JME 3700. Calibration and use of a variety of equipment; acquisition, processing, and analysis of data by manual as well as automated methods.

JME 3722 Heat Transfer Laboratory (1)
Prerequisites: JME 3721 and JME 3710. Physical laboratory exercises, including some numerical simulations and computational exercises, focusing on heat-transfer phenomena covered in JME 3710. Calibration and use of variety of laboratory instrumentation; acquisition, processing, and analysis of data by manual as well as automated methods; training in formal report writing.

JME 4000 Independent Study (1-6)
Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of the faculty adviser. Independent investigation of a mechanical engineering topic of special interest to a student performed under the direction of a faculty member.

JME 4040 Mechanical Engineering Design Project ( 5)
Prerequisite: JME 2410, JME 3200, JME 3221, JME 4250, JME 3700, and JME 3710 Corequisites:  JME 4170, JME 4180.   Working individually, students initially perform a feasibility study for a mechanical design project.  Projects consisted of an open-ended, original design or a creative redesign of a mechanical component or system requiring the application of those engineering science principles inherent to mechanical engineering.  Feasibility is considered subject to economic, safety, legal, environmental, ethical, aesthetic, and other constraints in a competitive manufacturing environment.  Feasible projects are then selected by teams of three to five students who perform the detailed design and optimization of the design concept developed in the feasibility study.  The designs are carried out to detailed shop drawings and where possible a mockup or prototype is built.  Periodic oral presentations and written reports give students practice in engineering and business communication.  Guidance and consultation for the design projects are provided by the course and department faculty.

JME 4041Current Topics in Mechanical Engineering Design (1)
Prerequisites: Senior Standing.  Case studies of engineering failures, class discussion and short written papers are used to illustrate and stress the importance of engineering teamwork, ethics, and professional standards within the mechanical engineering discipline.  Working in teams, students develop and present a case study on a topic of their choice.  Guest lecturers introduce contemporary topics such as product liability, environmental regulations, green design, appropriate technologies, and concurrent engineering.

JME 4160 Advanced Strength and Introductory Elasticity (3)
Prerequisite: JME 2410. Introduction to elasticity; indicial notation, stress and strain, material laws. Plane stress and strain problems and illustrations. Torsion of prismatic bars. Energy principles: virtual work, potential energy and complementary energy theorems, reciprocal theorems.

JME 4170 Dynamic Response of Physical Systems (2)
Prerequisites: Engineering 2320 and JEMT 3170; JME 4170 and JME 4180 must be taken during the same semester. Free and forced vibration of mechanical systems with lumped inertia, springs, and dampers. Methods of  Laplace transform, complex harmonic balance, and Fourier series. Electrical analogs. Introduction to Lagrange's equations of motion and matrix formulations. Transient response of continuous systems by partial differential equations, by Rayleigh methods, and by lumped parameters.

JME 4180 Dynamic Response Laboratory (2)
Prerequisite: JME 4170 and JME 4180 must be taken during the same semester. Laboratory problems focusing on materials covered in JME 4170.

JME 4190 Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics (3)
Prerequisites: JME 3700, JME 3721 and consent of instructor. Experimental approach to problem solving and validation of theoretical/computational methods. Uncertainties in measurement. Review of fundamental equations of fluid dynamics, properties of gases and liquids, similarity laws. Boundary layers, transition turbulence, flow separation. Viscoelastic and multi-phase flows. Wind tunnels, water channels, simulation of phenomena in processing equipment. Pressure sensors, including optically-reactive surface paint. Measurement of velocity with pitot- and venturi-tubes, hot-wire anemometry, ultrasonic probes, laser-Doppler (LDV) and particle-image (PIV) instruments. Compressibility corrections. Measurement of skin friction by direct force sensors, Preston- and Stanton-tubes, diffusion analogies, liquid crystals. Flow visualization with laser light sheet; Schlieren, shadowgraph and interferometric methods. Future trends; flow control, impact of microelectronic sensors and actuators. Laboratory demonstrations using available instrumentation.

JME 4240 Manufacturing Processes (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Introduction to the processes used in making basic components for machines and structures. Emphasis is on the underlying scientific principles for such manufacturing processes as casting, forging, extrusion and machining.

JME 4250 Materials Selection in Engineering Design (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Analysis of the scientific bases of material behavior in the light of research contributions of the last 20 years. Development of a rational approach to the selection of materials to meet a wide range of design requirements for conventional and advanced applications. Although emphasis will be placed on mechanical properties, other properties of interest in design will be discussed, e.g., acoustical, optical and thermal.

JME 4290 Flexible Manufacturing Automation (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Survey of the application of robots in the automation of manufacturing industries. Use of robots to increase productivity, to improve quality or to improve safety. Special studies of applications of robots in painting, welding, inspection and assembly.

JME 4310 Control Systems I (3)
Prerequisite: JEMT 3170, JEE 2300 (same as JEE 4410). Introduction to automatic control concepts. Block diagram representation of single- and multi-loop systems. Multi-input and multi-output systems. Control system components. Transient and steady-state performance; stability analysis; Routh, Nyquist, Bode, and root locus diagrams. Compensation using lead, lag, and lead-lag networks. Synthesis by Bode plots and root-locus diagrams. Introduction to state-variable techniques, state transition matrix, state-variable feedback.

JME 4440 Solar Energy (3)
Prerequisites: JME 3200, JME 3700, and JME 3710. This course will cover the following topics:  extraterrestrial solar radiation; solar radiation on the earth's surface; weather bureau data; review of selected topics in heat transfer; methods of solar energy collection including flat panel and concentrating collectors; solar energy storage; transient and long-term solar system performance.

JME 4500 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Analysis and design of computer-integrated systems for discrete parts and assemblies manufacturing. Process planning, control, manufacturing decision support systems, microcomputers and networks. Programming of spatially oriented tasks, code generation, system integration. CIMLab assignments.

JME 4510 Computer Controlled Manufacturing (3)
Prerequisites: JCS 1260, JME 4320. Practical applications of mini- and microcomputer based systems for production control, numerical control and robotics.  Processors, hardware interfacing, I/O configuration, D/A and A/D conversion.  Real time process control.  Flexible manufacturing.  CIMLab assignments.

JME 4530 Facilities Design (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. The goal of the course is to provide the student with the information and analytical tools necessary to take a product design into production and for the design of an efficient manufacturing facility that will make the production feasible. Quantitative methods in the design of manufacturing facilities. Space allocation, assembly line design, material-handling systems, utilities and environmental design for manufacturing facilities. Facility-location selection. Plant-layout development. Building, organization, communications and support system design. Material-handling equipment, flow and packaging. Automated storage and retrieval systems design. Computer aided design of manufacturing facilities. Environmental requirements and design. Utilities design. In a major project, students will be required to analyze the design of a product and plan the manufacturing facility for its production.

JME 4720 Fluid Mechanics II (3)
Prerequisites: JME 3200 and JME 3700.  Mechanics and thermodynamics of incompressible and compressible flows: varying-area adiabatic flow, standing normal and oblique shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer flow, Fanno flow, Rayleigh flow, turbulent flow in ducts and boundary layers.

JME 4740 Analysis and Design of Turbomachinery (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. The principles of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics applied to the analysis, design and development of turbomachinery for compressible and incompressible flows. Momentum transfer in turbomachines. Design of axial and radial compressors and turbines, diffusers, heat exchangers, combustors, and pumps. Operating characteristics of components and performance of power plants.

JME 4760 The Engineering Properties of Materials (3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. A detailed look at themechanical, chemical, and surface properties of materials. Topics include elastic properties; plastic deformation; viscoelastic behavior; chemical resistance; corrosion resistance; and the electromagnetic properties of metal, plastic, ceramic, and composite systems.

JME 4780 Analysis and Design of Piston Engines (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. The principles of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics applied to the analysis, design and development of piston engines. Examination of design features and operating characteristics of diesel, spark-ignition, stratified-charge, and mixed-cycle engines. Study of the effects of combustion, fuel properties, turbocharging and other power-boosting schemes on the power, efficiency and emission characteristics of the engines.

JME 4800 Building Environmental Systems Parameters (3)
Sustainable design of building lighting and HVAC systems considering performance, life-cycle cost and downstream environmental impact.  Criteria, codes and standards for comfort, air quality, noise/vibration and illumination.  Life cycle and other investment methods to integrate energy consumption/conservation, utility rates, initial cost, system/component longevity, maintenance cost and building productivity.  Direct and secondary contributions to acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion.

JME 4810 Air-Conditioning Systems and Equipment I (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing.  Survey of air conditioning systems. Moist air properties and conditioning processes. Adiabatic saturation. Psychrometric chart. Environmental indices. Indoor air quality. Heat balances in building structures. Solar radiation. Space heating and cooling loads.

JME 4820 Air-Conditioning Systems and Equipment II (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Fluid flow, pumps, and piping design. Room air distribution. Fans and building air distribution. Mass transfer and measurement of humidity. Direct control of heat and mass transfer. Heat exchangers. Refrigeration systems. Absorption refrigeration.