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Fall 2022 Training

HR Compliance Series

HR Compliance Series | Part One – Equity & Title IX

UMSL HR is utilizing a new training structure to launch a new series covering a variety of compliance topics. The plan for this series is to debut a topic as a case-based micro-learning (25 minutes) one week with a longer session (50 minutes) for those interested in a deeper dive the following week. Part one of this series will cover Equity & Title IX situations a supervisor might encounter. Join us for the 25-minute micro session to get a an appetizer sized portion the applicable policies, available resources, ways to stay informed about behavior, and best courses of actions when encountering an Equity and/or Title IX situation. And if you are interested in going deeper, join us for the 50-minute follow-up session.

HR Compliance Series | Part Two – Reporting: the grievance process, the bias hotline, and the ethics & compliance hotline

UMSL HR is utilizing a new training structure to launch a new series covering a variety of compliance topics. The plan for this series is to debut a topic as a case-based micro-learning (25 minutes) one week with a longer session (50 minutes) the following week for those interested in a deeper dive. Part two will cover reporting situations a supervisor might encounter, and will include information on the grievance process, the bias hotline, and the ethics & compliance hotline. Join us for the 25-minute micro session to get quick overview of the applicable policies, available resources, ways to stay informed about behavior, and best courses of actions when encountering a reporting situation. And if you are interested in going deeper, join us for the 50-minute follow-up session.

HR Compliance Series | Part Three – ADA & FMLA

UMSL HR is utilizing a new training structure to launch a new series covering a variety of compliance topics. The plan for this series is to debut a topic as a case-based micro-learning (25 minutes) one week with a longer session (50 minutes) the following week for those interested in a deeper dive. Part three will cover ADA & FMLA situations a supervisor might encounter, and will include information on the grievance process, the bias hotline, and the ethics & compliance hotline. Join us for the 25-minute micro session to get quick overview of the applicable policies, available resources, ways to stay informed about behavior, and best courses of actions when encountering an ADA or FMLA situation. And if you are interested in going deeper, join us for the 50-minute follow-up session.

HR Compliance Series | Part Four – Nepotism & Consensual Romantic Relationships

This semester UMSL HR has launched a new series covering a variety of compliance topics. The fourth and final part of this series will cover nepotism and consensual romantic relationship situations a supervisor might encounter. We’re going to cover this topic in just one session so join us for this 50-minute session to learn more about applicable policies, available resources, ways to stay informed about behavior, and best courses of actions when encountering an nepotism or consensual romantic relationship situation.

HR Hiring Series

Hiring Series | Part One – Job Posting Forms

The Staff Job Posting form will make us more efficient and effective once we all get comfortable using it. Join us for a 30-minute session covering how to complete the form, the timeline for job postings, and some common errors to avoid so that you don't encounter unnecessary delays during this important process.

Hiring Series | Part Two – Screening, Interviewing, and Making Offers

Join us for part two of our hiring series. In this session, we will provide guidance and best practices around reviewing applications, reducing interviewer bias, making an offer, and the steps to complete the process within eRecruit.

Hiring Series | Part Three – Onboarding

A good onboarding process increases new employee effectiveness, engagement, and job satisfaction while reducing turnover and enriching organizational culture. Join us for part three of our hiring series as we discuss the onboarding process to make sure you are gaining all the benefits a good onboarding process has to offer.

Stand Alone Sessions

Staff Compensation Training Sessions

In recent months, UMSL has rolled out both merit and market-based pay increases for a number of employees. Understandably, pay is an important topic for employees. As such, we would like to offer opportunities for staff to learn more about the staff pay structure at the university. If you’re interested in learning more about staff pay at UMSL, we hope you will join us for one of the upcoming compensation information sessions. *Please note, this session is not designed to discuss specific units or individual employees, if you would like to have a more particularized conversation of that nature, please reach out to your HR partner.

Panel Discussion | Team Cohesion & Team Building

Focusing on team building and team cohesion can build trust, increase collaboration, foster effective communication, and ultimately enhance team member productivity and satisfaction. Join us for this discussion where panelists will share experiences and offer strategies related to team building and team cohesion.

Gratitude & Recognition

Practicing gratitude and offering thoughtful recognition can go a long way to enhance employee engagement and improve the workplace experience. Join us for this session to spend time considering how you can cultivate a culture of gratitude and recognition on your team.

Employee Engagement Ideas & Best Practices

This session is focused on the Engage resources. Join us for this 45-minute session to discuss why, how, and when to utilize the Engage resources to maximize employee engagement, retention, and productivity.