
MyDegree Report Help

Degree Audits in MyDegree

What is a degree audit?  A degree audit reflects the student's academic progress towards completing a degree.  The audit lists all the student's UMSL courses, transfer courses, and shows how student is progressing towards completing the requirements for a specific degree program.

How do I run a degree audit with MyDegree?

1. Go to MyDegree.umsl.edu

2. Login using your SSO and password on the following screen*.
Login with SSO

3. To request a new degree audit, select Request New from the audits drop-down menu or select the "Request Audit" button in the middle of the screen. If you have any previous audit runs, the last audit may be displayed.
Request Audit

4. The "Run Declared Programs:" area contains the student's current degree program.  To request a degree audit for that degree program, select Run Declared Programs at the bottom of the screen.  If the student's default does Not list in the "Run Declared Programs:" sections, select the "Select a Different Program" and use the drop down list box to select a Degree and Catalog Year (Catalog Year = Requirement Term, this is the term the student starts or will start this degree program).
Run Declared Programs

5. You will see the top half of the screen processing the audit run.  When the audit is completed, the audit status will display like the below image.  To view the degree audit, select View Audit link in the 2nd to last column.
 Select View Audit

6. The top of the report lists general student and degree information, followed by summary graph and the start of degree requirements.
The Audit - Top student data and summary graphs

7.  Each degree requirement is preceded by either a check mark, an ellipsis '...' or an 'X'.  Check marks mean requirement is completed, ellipsis means the requirement is completed using in-progress courses and the 'X' means requirement is Not satisfied.  You can see the details of requirement by selecting the tiny arrow beside the requirement OR by selecting 'Open All Sections' link that was found at the top of the audit after the graph section.
Audit details

Interpreting results

How to see Course History 

The Course History tab will list a student's course history.  You can sort the Course History list by each title.
Course History List

How to view Exceptions

The Applied Exceptions tab will list all the exceptions on a student's record.
Applied Exceptions

* If you are already logged into MyConnect, MyVita or Percipio, you might not see the UM System login screen.