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FTTC 2024 registration is closed. 

2024 Conference Rates

Faculty and Staff Registration: Full conference registration is $50. Attendees from sponsoring partner institutions receive a discounted registration (Gold=100% discount, Silver=50% discount, Bronze=25% discount). 

Student Registration: Registration is $25 for one or two days. 


Step-by-step registration instructions

  • Click the Registration button above to open the registration site.
  • Click the Conference Registration button. 
  • From the Participant Category dropdown, select the appropriate option (if you are a PRESENTER, please be sure to select the second option). Please note if you are from a Gold Sponsor institution, your discount will be applied at checkout.
  • Click Add to Cart.
  • Fill in all required fields. Please note the institution dropdown list only contains sponsoring partner institutions. Everyone else should select “Other” and enter their institution name. Be sure to select the correct institution. This is how your discount is applied to your registration (if applicable).
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration information and click Continue.
  • If registering multiple people at once, Click RETURN TO HOME PAGE and repeat the steps above until all participants’ registrations are in your cart.
  • Confirm that the price appears correct and click Checkout
  • Enter the email where you would like to receive a confirmation and receipt.
  • OPTIONAL: If desired also enter a cell number and carrier to get a confirming text message.
  • Click Continue.
  • Click Submit Registration *** IMPORTANT, if you miss clicking this last submission you are NOT registered for the conference and will not get a confirming email/text. ***


Prepare for conference attendance!

Our online conference day will utilize the Zoom web conferencing tool. To ensure a successful online experience, prepare ahead by setting up Zoom now. Separate Zoom links for each session will be provided for registered participants in our electronic program, Sched.

New to Zoom? Download the desktop client or application.

On a Laptop:

  • Go to Zoom’s download page (or to your institution’s Zoom account page) and download the desktop client.

On a mobile device

  • Search your app store for the Zoom app.

Customize your profile:

  • Log in to your Zoom account and customize your profile.
    • Enter your complete name and institution to display on the screen when participating.
    • Include your pronouns in your display name.
    • Add a profile picture that displays when you have your camera off - this helps make the experience a little friendlier for the presenters and other participants.

Already using Zoom? Update your Zoom Client! 

If you already have Zoom downloaded, ensure you have the most recent version! New features are regularly being added to Zoom that will greatly enhance your experience in the virtual environment.


Tips for a Successful Conference Zoom Experience:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Zoom tool ahead of time.
  • Use “Side-by-Side: Speaker” or “Speaker View” so you can always see who is speaking. This can be toggled in the upper right-hand corner of the Zoom screen.
  • Use a laptop or desktop instead of a mobile device for fullest engagement–consider a second monitor even if possible to help watch the chat as well as the presentation.
  • Consider taking notes during sessions (on computer or written) to help you maintain focus.
  • If you find you are struggling with freezing during sessions try these strategies to reduce the load on your Wi-Fi.
    • Turn off your camera when not speaking to minimize bandwidth.
    • Minimize the number of others in your house on the Internet.
    • Use a hardline (instead of Wi-Fi) whenever possible.

What is Sched? Sched will be the FTTC schedule and program electronic platform for both virtual conference days. Registered attendees should watch their email for an invitation and more details closer to the conference. You can also find more information about Sched on our Program page.

To see a preliminary version of the schedule check out our Conference Program pageOpportunities to customize your schedule will be available through Sched. The platform and full program will be available starting in July.

Fatigue from attending web conferences is a real thing. You have probably figured this out already if you are teaching classes with a web conferencing tool such as Zoom or if you have had days full of meetings. There are many strategies you can use to help mediate this exhausting effect.

Read this short article from the Harvard Review on How to Combat Zoom Fatigue. To learn more about why web conferences can be more exhausting than in-person meetings, see these articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education and National Geographic.

In addition to engagement within concurrent sessions, there are lots of other ways to engage and network with FTTC participants at the conference:

  • Be sure to “check-in” in the Sched app so you can use the messaging and discussion tools within the application.
  • Review the morning Welcome conference newsletter each day to learn more about opportunities to connect.
  • Pop into the Registration and Support Zoom room where breakout rooms are available to connect with other participants (the Zoom link will be found on our conference email correspondence and will provide live support during online conference hours).
  • Make arrangements with other participants to connect at any time during the conference.

Stuck on any of these steps? Feel free to reach out for help in any of the following ways:

  • Prior to the conference, email fttc@umsl.edu.
  • On conference day, join the Registration and Support Zoom room (the Zoom link will be found in our conference email correspondence and will provide live support during conference hours). 

Interested in getting FTTC updates right to your inbox? Sign up to be added to our mailing list!

FTTC does not specifically endorse any specific technology for adoption. We recommend talking to your campus academic technology office before implementing any tools that require students to create accounts or that you are loading student data or intellectual property into.

In response to evolving privacy considerations and developments in AI technology, FTTC 2024 will not permit the use of AI note-taking bots during sessions until this technology is better developed and reliable. However, participants can utilize other available Zoom accessibility features, and session recordings will be accessible for later reference. If you have an accessibility need that could be assisted by one of these devices, please contact fttc@umsl.edu.

The FTTC conference planning committee apologizes for inadvertently scheduling this year’s Conference during the Rosh Hashanah (Jewish) and Navaratri (Hindu) holidays. We acknowledge this will prohibit faculty and staff who would want to be a part of our conference from fully participating. While we plan to have recordings of most sessions available for later viewing, this does not make up for this scheduling error. In the future, we pledge to be more diligent in checking against major holidays. For those wanting to learn more about these holidays, here are links to learn more about Rosh Hashanah (Jewish) and Navaratri (Hindu).

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