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 FTTC 2024 Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Award (I.D.E.A)

2024 I.D.E.A. for Instruction
Award Winner:
Sarah Coppersmith
University of Missouri-St. Louis
2024 I.D.E.A. for Instructional Design
Award Winner:
Avery Levinger
Duquesne University

Who deserves recognition through an I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity award)?

The FTTC I.D.E.A. recognition is reserved for colleagues who foster inclusion, diversity, and equity in online, blended, and face-to-face teaching settings through innovative course design and/or delivery. 

Awards are presented in two categories: 
Note that nominees can only be nominated in one category, either focusing on instruction or instructional design, not both. Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged.


  1. Focus on Instruction

    This award is designed for full- or part-time faculty who have implemented innovative teaching practices or learning technologies that have positively impacted diversity, equity, or inclusion for the learning experience of undergraduate or graduate students at your institution. The award winner will be named at the event. 

  2. Focus on Instructional Design

    This award recognizes instructional designers (staff that specializes in supporting faculty in instructional design) whose innovative ideas, designs, or integration of technology have positively impacted diversity, equity, or inclusion for the learning experience of undergraduate or graduate students at your institution. The award winner will be named at the event. 
Two-Stage Nomination Process:
Stage 1: You (the nominator) will write a brief (250-word maximum) description of one innovation the full- or part-time faculty member or instructional designer implemented to impact diversity, equity, or inclusion for the learning experience of undergraduate or graduate students at your institution. The text of your nomination will be provided to the nominee to give context to what they should detail in their responses to the awards committee in Stage 2. Stage 1 nominations opened on June 1, 2024, and closed on August 14, 2024.
Stage 2: We will contact all nominees to give the awards committee details about their innovation. The nominees will not be judged based on the nomination written in Stage 1 but on their responses to the questions in Stage 2. Nominees will have until August 30, 2024, to respond to the awards committee. 

View Award Rubric

Previous FTTC Award Winners

2023 I.D.E.A. for Instructional Design
Award Winner:
Jessica DeSpain
Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
2023 I.D.E.A. for Instruction
Award Winner:
Jason Vasser-Elong
University of Missouri–St. Louis
2022 I.D.E.A. for Instruction
Award Winner:
Myjal Garner
Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
2021 I.D.E.A. for Instructional
Design Award Winner:
Jennafer Alexander
University of Missouri–St. Louis
2021 I.D.E.A. for Instruction
Award Winner:
Janeal White
McNeese State University
2020 Award Winner:
Amy Simons
University of Missouri–Columbia
2019 Award Winner:
Robing Grebing
Maryville University
2019 Award Winner:
Dustin York
Maryville University
2018 Award Winner:
Nicolas Libre
Missouri S&T
2017 Award Winner:
Susanne James
Southern Illinois
2016 Award Winner:
Candace Chambers
Maryville University
2016 Award Winner:
Qiang Dotzel
University of Missouri–St. Louis