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Capstone Unit (CUT Unit C)

Whether applying your knowledge by presenting workshops, providing feedback to students, or lecturing as a TA, the Capstone Unit provides the opportunity for you to receive real-time, in-the-moment feedback through observations, debrief sessions, and personal reflection. Unit C is offered in both Fall and Spring (possible options are available for summer teaching).

One semester prior to beginning Unit C:

  • Arrange to teach a course or schedule guest lectures.
  • Contact Ana Quiring (ana.quiring@umsl.edu) to schedule your initial consultation meeting and teaching observations (at least 3 times during the semester, roughly once a month).

During Unit C:

  • Complete a weekly teaching reflection journal and submit it to CTL.
  • Meet with your CTL observer after each observation.

If you are teaching an online course, the CTL observer will request access to your course modules to offer feedback on assignments and activities.


What Participants Say About Unit C

“The main objective of this module was to have a member from the Center for Teaching and Learning observe classes being taught throughout the semester and provide feedback so that adjustments could be made and the quality of teaching increased. In my feedback there were a number of great points to work on and improve, including increasing the frequency at which I asked questions of the students to encourage more discussion.” – Michael McKeever, Chemistry PhD Candidate
“Through my CUT observations... I learned that teaching is a constant process of evaluation, reflection, and change. I learned to experiment with different methods and course structures and solicit student feedback. Teaching became engaging and interesting to me, and I enjoyed discovering how my class responded to the assignments and activities. I was comforted in knowing that teachers at every level of experience are reworking their courses as needed- I felt less pressure to have the perfect class.” – Nikki Hurless, Counseling PhD Candidate