
About the Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports faculty and graduate students through teaching observations, one-on-one consultations, new full- and part-time faculty orientations, workshops, and course design programs. The CTL is also home to the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program, the Active Learning Assistant (ALA) program, and the Testing Center



The Center for Teaching and Learning promotes a sense of belonging for all individuals in the UMSL teaching community by acting as a hub for shared dialogue about research-informed teaching that values each person's unique expertise and experiences. The CTL supports a reflective teaching culture that is both learner and faculty-centered and honors the art and science of effective teaching. The CTL celebrates a scholarly approach to inclusive teaching that enhances learning and growth for students, faculty, and the larger community.



The mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), a division of the Office of Academic Affairs, is to partner with faculty, students, and colleagues across the University to promote teaching that leads to meaningful student learning and success. We accomplish this through four dimensional impact areas:

Student Support. Creating opportunities that support learner-centered, culturally relevant experiences ᐧ Viewing students as partners in the teaching process ᐧ Preparing future faculty

Faculty Support. Supporting the career-long professional development of all who teach and learn at the University

Department Support. Promoting the collective impact of engagement and reflection at the programmatic level and across departments ᐧ Working through partnerships that inspire teaching excellence

Institutional Support. Aligning activities, services, and consultations with campus goals to promote excellence in teaching


Our Services

Programs, forums, and virtual and in-person conferences are planned each academic year to orient full-time and part-time faculty and teaching assistants to the campus community. These programs are sponsored by the Center for Teaching in Learning in collaboration with the Offices of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, the Library, and Information Technology Services (ITS). 

A goal of the CTL is to be the office contacted when faculty seek guidance in their instructional work. Consultations are available to interested faculty and graduate students regarding teaching enhancements, mid-semester and end-of-course feedback, GIFT (Group Instructional Feedback Technique), and instructional design supports for traditional and blended courses. 


Meet the Team

CTL Newsletter Archive

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