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Keep Learning: Resources for Students

Online Learning Strategies

Online Communication

Student-to-student and student-to-instructor interaction is key to success in an online course. Contact your instructors via university email or through the built-in messaging in Canvas.

  • When in doubt, send a message!
  • If your instructor will not be holding face-to-face classes, find out if the instructor is offering a remote access option and what you will need to access it.
  • If you are personally unable to attend your face-to-face class, find out if there are alternative ways to participate.
  • If you do not have the required technology and access, be proactive in communicating this to your instructor and finding solutions.
  • Things move quickly in an emergency situation. Instructors, students, and staff may be operating in unfamiliar ways, so be kind and diligent with your communication. Ask for feedback, be open to phone communication, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification, and reach out before spending too much time on tasks.
  • Canvas courses need to be published for you to see them. If you can’t see your course on your Canvas Dashboard or Courses menu, reach out to your instructor to make sure it has been published.
  • Even though your course is online, you are still required to adhere to the University of Missouri student code of conduct. If you haven't taken a moment, please read it here.

Time Management

Expect to check your campus email and Canvas course daily when learning remotely. Reading announcements and other notifications is crucial to having a successful online experience. Expect to spend as much, if not more, time engaging with your remote class commitments.

  • Students who are successful in online classes study 3-4 hours per week for each class hour: 1 hour for every credit hour the course is worth + 1 hour for each reading or content-related learning + 1 hour for every assignment.
  • For a 3-hour course, you will need to block out 9-12 hours per week on your calendar, which will include the time you would have otherwise spent in class. Most people will be more effective in setting aside the time they would typically be commuting to campus or in class to complete their work.
  • Just as you would block time to attend a face-to-face class, establish times you will set aside for your online class.
  • Know yourself! Make sure the hours you've blocked are at times when you're sharp, not during your 3:00 slump, for instance. Set up a dedicated time for each class to review the course materials (readings, lectures, etc.), log into the course, participate in student-to-student dialogue, and complete assignments.