The Missouri Contract System (MCS) is a SSOID-protected platform which offers an easy way to create and submit appearance / performance agreements, consulting / personal services contracts, and other standard templates as well as proprietary third-party contracts. To gain access and receive training, please contact your division Fiscal Officer or email us a The MCS also provides real-time status of your documents during the review and execution process and a searchable electronic repository of all your fully-executed contracts.
Submission, Review, and Approval
The submission, review, and execution process of templates submitted through the MCS is electronic and automatic. Turnaround times for standard template contracts which do not require Legal review are often one business day or less. Occasionally, however, it may be necessary or expedient to use another party's form of agreement. We can also help you develop an appropriate form of agreement if none exists for your proposed project.
Once a proposed contract is received by UMSL Business Services via the MCS, we verify that the contract is in compliance with applicable University policies, that it contains all necessary information, and that there are no inconsistencies or ambiguities. Where applicable, we coordinate additional reviews which may be required (e.g. Legal approval, Conflict of Interest, BPM 12004, etc.). We may have additional questions for you. Resolving questions at this stage helps ensure that the remainder of the review and approval process happens as quickly as possible and that all contract conform to policy and audit requirements.