Claim Forms
Please follow the specific directions on each form:
UM 5 - Vehicle Accident Report: Use for accidents involving: 1) any University-owned vehicle; 2) any employee-owned vehicle used on official University business; and 3) any vehicle rented or leased by or for the University.
UM 69 - Damage Report: Use for all damage or destruction of ANY University-owned or leased building, facility, and "contents."
UM 155 - Disapperance of Assets and Money: Follow link and click on corresponding Excel file.
UM 200 - Student or General Public Injury and Property Damage Report
UMWC 1 - Report of Injury; Use for Employees
Other Forms
Please follow the specific directions on each form:
Alcohol Form 1: Request to Use University-Administered Funds to Purchase Alcohol for University Sponsored Event
Alcohol Form 2: Request to Use Alcoholic Beverages on University Property