Student Absence Policy for University-Sanctioned Activities

Participation in extra-curricular activities is an important component of a students university education. The faculty of the University of Missouri-St. Louis values and supports participation in activities such as, but not limited to, intercollegiate athletics, music ensembles, performing arts troupes, field trips, student government, and the like. In this spirit, faculty members are asked to provide students participating in university sanctioned activities with reasonable accommodations for classes, exams, and quizzes that are missed because of these university-sanctioned activities.

It is a students responsibility to submit a Student Absence Form to his/her instructor identifying the scheduled absences as early as possible during each semester. It is also the students responsibility to fulfill the requirements of the missed class work in a timely manner. Students are responsible for the material covered in all classes, whether or not they are able to attend.

When disagreements regarding this policy occur between a student and a faculty member, the issue will be first referred to the faculty members department chair, followed by the dean, and finally the Provost, for review and resolution.


Recommended by Senate Academic Advisory Committee, February 12, 2009. Passed by Faculty Senate, March 17, 2009.