
Policy on Unreported Grades


According to the University of Missouri’s Collected Rules and Regulations (210.050):

All professors and teachers of the university except members of the Faculty of the School of Law, who shall be allowed two weeks in which to report grades (other than I and F grades, which must be reported immediately), shall file with the Registrar their grades of students within 2 1/2 days (except Sunday) after the end of the examination period.”

When an UMSL faculty member does not report a grade according to the Collected Rules and Regulations policy for an undergraduate or graduate student who is officially enrolled in a credit-bearing course, the Registrar or Registrar's designate will enter a grade of "DL" on the transcript of that student enrolled in any course for which a grade was not reported. If the faculty member of record does not have access to a course roster, s/he should contact the Office of the Registrar. The "DL" grade will remain on the transcript until changed by the faculty member of record, as a result of the grade appeal process, or due to the grade lapse process outlined in the Bulletin. A degree may not be conferred with a "DL" grade and any grade reverted to F may not be changed after degree conferral.


A similar version of this policy was approved by the Council of Deans in April 1996.
Revised policy reviewed by the Council of Deans in July 2003, November 2016.