Nominee must be a current, full-time, tenure-track or non-tenure track, faculty member with at least five years teaching service at UMSL.
Nominees must show evidence consistent with the priorities and goals outlined in the UMSL Strategic Plan, demonstrating effective teaching and commitment to high standards of excellence, and one or more of the following:
- Effective advising
- Student learning and success
- Service to the University community
Submission Materials and Format:
All nominations must include the following materials:
- Cover page with name, position, academic address of nominee and nominator, and a checklist of included documents. Please indicate if you are resubmitting your application for reconsideration from the previous year.
- Nomination letter (not exceeding three double-spaced pages)
- Curriculum vitae, including a list of courses taught
- Nominee’s philosophy of teaching statement, explicitly outlining teaching goals, teaching strategies and methods of bringing one's current research, scholarship, or creative activity into the teaching process. Statement should not exceed three (3) double-spaced pages
- Evidence supporting nomination criteria. Include up to three exemplar/representative items of evidence supporting the nomination/activity criteria. Examples of possible materials can be found on the Academic Affairs website.
- Representative syllabi (2) from the nominee’s courses
- A summary of course evaluations (qualitative and quantitative data). Include a copy of the evaluation(s) used with an explanation of the scale for quantitative data.
- Letters of support (no more than three) from any of these community members: students, alumni, colleagues, administrators or community leaders.
Nomination Procedure:
The Senate Faculty Teaching and Service Awards Committee receives and reviews all nominations and presents its recommendation to the chancellor for final approval. The Committee requires submission through electronic format. These nominations should be a single file in MS Word or pdf format, and should be emailed to the Senate office (senate@umsl.edu) no later than 5 pm on the deadline.
Deadline for Submission:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for submission of nomination and completed materials packet.
Previous Award Winners:
2023 - 2024
Name: Aimee Dunlap
Associate Professor,
Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
2022 - 2023
Name: Kate Votaw
Associate Teaching Professor
Honors College
2021 - 2022
Name: Alina Slapac
Associate Professor,
Department of Educator Preparation and Leadership,
College of Education
2020 - 2021
Name: Bruce Hamper
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Department of Chemistry and BioChemistry,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Ann Torrusi
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Honors College
Name: Suellynn Duffey
Associate Professor, Department of English,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Laura Westhoff
Associate Professor, Department of History,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Timothy Maher
Teaching Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Ronald Dotzel
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Marc Spingola
Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Biology,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Ann M. Steffen
Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Joyce Mushaben
Professor, Department of Political Science,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Sonya Bahar
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: James Henry
Associate Professor, Department of Music,
College of Fine Arts and Communication
Name: Virginia Navarro
Associate Professor, Department of Music,
College of Fine Arts and Communication
2007 - 2008
Name: Judith Maserang
Clinical Professor,
2006 -2007
Name: Gregory Geisler
Associate Professor, Accounting,
College of Business Administration
2005 - 2006
Name: Elizabeth Vining
Senior Lecturer,
2004 - 2005
Name: Paul Paese
Associate Professor,
2003 - 2004
Name: Helene Sherman
Associate Professor,
Teaching and Learning
2001 - 2002
Name: David Robertson
Political Science
2000 - 2001
Name: Richard Pacelle
Associate Professor
Political Science
1999 - 2000
Name: Rudolph E. K. Winter
Associate Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
1998 - 1999
Name: Bob Henson
Physics and Astronomy
1991 - 1992
Name: Charles R. Granger
Biology and Education