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August 2024 New Faculty Orientation Agendas

Please register for 2024 new faculty orientation through this link: https://forms.gle/FhAGmZhKYx58PseA8  to help us with catering counts and any accommodation requests to make the program more comfortable for you.


Teaching and Technology Session

Thursday, August 8 from noon – 4 pm

Center for Teaching and Learning Conference Room (589 Lucas Hall)

This optional session includes information about technology and tips related to teaching at UMSL, including the Canvas system that we use for both online and on-campus courses, as well as the systems we use for student advising and faculty training. It will also include supported work time and an opportunity to get your questions answered as you finalize syllabi and set up courses for fall. Although everyone is welcome, this session is likely to be most useful to faculty who are completely new to UMSL and unfamiliar with our instructional toolset and processes. A light lunch will be provided.



New Faculty Orientation 

Tuesday, August 13 from 8 am - 3 pm

Millennium Student Center, Century Rooms B & C  (third floor)


8:00 Morning Refreshments

Meet other new faculty members as well as campus partners from UMSL’s Marketing and Communication Office, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) colleagues eager to support your transition to UMSL.

8:30 - 9:15 Welcome to the University of Missouri - St. Louis

Meet and be welcomed by UMSL’s Academic Affairs leadership who will highlight the amazing community you are joining.

9:15 - 10:30 Meeting UMSL Students 

A brief introduction about UMSL’s student body followed by an opportunity for invited UMSL students to introduce you to campus, themselves, and their expectations of their professors.

10:30 - 10:45 - Break

10:45 - 11:30  Partners in Learning: Promoting Student Well-Being & Safety

Representatives from key UMSL offices lead a discussion about supporting successful learning environments around academic and classroom issues as well as how to support student well-being and success:  student counseling, student conduct supports, classroom security, and academic integrity resources and campus experts. Examples and resource contacts will be provided.

11:30 - 12:15 Partners in Learning: Supporting Students in Learning

Campus colleagues share insights and details about student success topics you’ll experience in the first weeks of the semester as well as resources for who to contact when. Examples will be provided of how to handle disability access accommodation letters, enrollment verifications, and submitting flags for student concerns.

12:15 - 1:00 Lunch

Enjoy an informal boxed lunch with colleagues and campus notables. 

1:00  - 2:00 Nuts and Bolts: What Every New Faculty Member Needs to Know

This session shares key information every new faculty member needs to know regarding policies and procedures that come up during the semester in the following areas:

2:00 - 3:00 Tips and Insights from Second and Third Year Faculty

A panel of returning faculty who share wisdom and insights they gained in their first years at UMSL.