To report potential faculty misconduct, please use this form.
- Definitions of and processes governing faculty misconduct are outlined in CRR 330.110 “Standards of Faculty Conduct.” CRR 330.110 and this form apply to allegations of inappropriate conduct on the part of a faculty member employed by the University of Missouri System.
- Please submit the completed form to the Office of Academic Affairs ( to be delivered to the appropriate party.
The following are additional avenues to report various kinds of faculty misconduct, should these be appropriate:
Hotline: You can anonymously report faculty misconduct through the UM System Integrity and Accountability Hotline. Please note that reporting through the hotline should not replace other kinds of reporting.
Title IX: If you experience discrimination or retaliation, or if you are aware of any form of discrimination or retaliation, please make a report to the UMSL Title IX & Equity Office so that they can work to address the situation in an appropriate manner.
Research Misconduct: Research misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Rules for addressing allegations of research misconduct are covered in CRR 420.010. If you have encountered this kind of misconduct, please send a written or electronic communication to the dean of the college that houses the faculty member.