About the Provost


Dr. Steven J. Berberich


Dr. Steven J. Berberich joined the University of Missouri - Saint Louis in September 2021 as the provost and interim vice chancellor for academic affairs and professor of biology. As provost, he presides over key academic functions at the university, including leadership of the colleges and schools which serve over 8600 students. Additionally, he oversees Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management, Center for Teaching and Learning, Institutional Research, Library, Student Affairs, UMSL Global, and Workforce Integration.
Dr. Berberich previously served provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of Houston Clear Lake. As provost, he worked collaboratively with administration, faculty, and staff to develop several new firsts for UHCL in student success and faculty development. These include:


  • The creation of a Student Success Initiatives unit that coordinates a wide range of academic student support.
  • Establishing the Center for Engagement, Teaching and Learning, which brought together the Center for Faculty Development, Faculty Senate and Instructional Designers to provide faculty development opportunities in teaching, service, and scholarship. 
  • The Diplomacy Institute's establishment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar is the first of its kind partnership and part of a larger focus to create a global experience for students at UHCL.
  • Launching several academic programs, including mechanical engineering and serious gaming.
Before UHCL, Dr. Berberich served in various administrative and academic roles, including as the associate provost for faculty and staff affairs and chair of biochemistry and molecular biology at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. His research interests involve the molecular basis of cancer.