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A MESSAGE FROM DEBBIE KETTLER: Hi retirees, Happy Thanksgiving, I am here to remind you of our upcoming HOLIDAY LUNCHEON.  Our luncheon is Friday December 13th at Glen Echo Country Club, with reception & cash bar at 11:30. There will be a short program at 1:30. To RSVP for our annual holiday event, click www.umslalumni.org/raholiday24. Hopefully, you’ve received your postcard invitation. Please rsvp by December 9th.  If you’ve already rsvp’d—thank you! I hope to see everyone there!  Have a wonderful holiday!  Debbie

The Fall 2024 UMSL RA Newsletter is now available. Archived issues are available by clicking Newsletter in the left hand column.

See the updated Calendar of Events and Meetings for 2024-25.


Congratulations to our 2024 Retirees of the Year! Benard Diggs and David Ganz are the staff and faculty retirees of the year, respectively, and were honored and recognized at the Chancellor's State of the University Address at the Touhill PAC on August 23. More details about these most deserving awardees may be found in the tab RETIREE OF THE YEAR AWARDEES in the left hand column. To nominate someone for a 2025 award, fill out and submit the nomination form online .    

diggs    Dave Ganz

        2024 Retirees of the year:  Benard Diggs staff and David Ganz faculty, recipients.


Your Retiree Association has made some important changes this year. In addition to our luncheons and our regular Fall and Spring member events, we are instituting a series of educational Breakfast meetings for members and guests.

The first Breakfast Session will be held on Wednesday, September 18th in 101 Woods Hall from 9-10 am. The speaker will be Drew Hackmann, Certified Financial Planner, whose topic will be "Medicare 101 and How to Compare Medicare Advantage Plans." Light refreshments will be available; there is no cost for this event. You will receive an email/RSVP invitation shortly.

You should also plan to attend the virtual Town Hall meeting hosted by UM Human Resources on October 9th. The topic will be the University's post-retirement healthcare programs and the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on participants. Keep an eye out for your enrollment letter, which you should receive from UM Human Resources prior to the Town Hall. (Note: this year's enrollment period is from October 21st to November 1st.)

Another date to keep in mind: Sunday, October 13th. This year's UMSLRA Fall event will be Sunday Brunch at Chandler Hill Winery on that date. Again, keep an eye out for your invitation and RSVP.

Finally, don't forget to save the date for our annual Holiday Luncheon on Friday, December 13, 2024! We will be at the beautiful Glen Echo Country Club.

And a new feature; please note that the Retiree Association now welcomes pre-retirees (current UMSL faculty and staff who are 55 years of age and older) as well as retired adjunct and part-time faculty. For $15 a year, membership gives one access to UMSLRA events and programs and discounts on campus events and amenities, including the Touhill Performing Arts Center and a free campus parking permit. If you have friends and former colleagues in these categories, please urge them to Join today!

 Best wishes, Tom Eyssell
2024-25 UMSLRA President


UM HR contact for UMSLRA. Andrea Whelan is the contact. See the tab in the column to the right or see the important phone number list.


It is that time again! The 2024-2025 RA Membership Renewal Campaign is under way.  It is simple as 1-2-3. Log on to www.umslalumni.org/rarenewal24 ,fill out the enrollment form and pay online or by check. 

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Association and the Spring Luncheon was held on Friday June 14.   Details will follow but of note were the election results:

President-Elect :  Connie Jeffries (1yr)
Treasurer :           Steven (Steve) Spaner (1yr)
Secretary             Clark Hickman (1yr)

Candi Agnes: who was elected Secretary in 2023 was recognized for her service..
Board Member: Susan (Sue) Baber (re-election)
Board Member: Dave Ganz (re-election)
Helene Sherman completed her 3-year term in the presidential succession, was acknowledged for her excellent service and re-elected to the Board, replacing Grace Kennedy

President Melissa Hattman handing the gavel to new President Tom Eyssell at the 2024 AGM.

Planning and Events Committee

.On a beautiful October 13, Sunday, the UMSLRA held its annual Fall event at the Chandler Hill Winery. The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, and the company even better! Thanks to the Event Planning Committee – Cindy Vantine, Debbie Kettler, and Grace Kennedy – for arranging this experience! And a tip of the topper to Wendell Smith for buying mimosas for the group!


Your Retirees Association typically sponsors several events throughout the year that are fun and informative. An Events Archive is available of the events held since 2015.  This is found in the left hand column.

Please note the existence of the Retirees Association Facebook page. Administrators include Clark Hickman, Steve Spaner and Lol Barton.

Attention Retirees:

Don't forget to join or rejoin the University of Missouri-St. Louis Retirees Association. The membership year is from June 1 to May 31.

Presentation of the UMSL-RA Membership Card grants the following:

  • Annual Luncheon and Business Meeting, courtesy of the Chancellor.
  • Access to events and programs of the UMSL Retiree Association
  • 10 % discount at the University Triton Store in the Millennium Student Center,
  • Up to 25% discount on tickets to events at the Touhill Performing Arts Center,
  • Admission to the Department of Recreational Sports classes at the active faculty/staff rate,
  • Admission to the UMSL Recreation and Wellness Center at the active faculty/staff rate,
  • A free Campus parking permit, available 7:30 am – 5:00 pm at Office of Parking and Transportation, 44 Campus Police Building

Annual dues are $15. Or, for the most convenient option, join as a lifetime member for just $125.

If you are a new or renewing member, simply click on the new enrollment form (2023) and pay online by credit card. If you prefer to pay by check, the same link will give you the information you will need to do so.

In June 2015, at the UMSL-RA annual meeting the membership passed a motion to accord a dues-free first year for new retirees. If you have just retired, click on this enrollment form and complete the form online checking the "free-newly retired" box under the membership type.

And, volunteer to serve on a committee - There are three committee choices:

  • Communications
  • Membership
  • Planning and Events

Contact President Thomas (Tom) Eyssell    to volunteer.
Your help is needed to keep our organization going. 

2023-2024 Retirees Association Board

(Updated after the election on June 9, 2023)

Thomas (Tom) Eyssell, President (1 yr.)
College of Bus. Admin
Susan (Sue) Baber (2 yrs.)
College of Education
Connie Jeffries, Pres.-Elect  (1 yr.)
College of Bus. Admin
David (Dave) Ganz (2 yr.s)
College of Bus.  Admin
Clark Hickman (1 yr.)
Helene Sherman,  (2 yrs.)
College of Education
Steven (Steve) Spaner, Treasurer  (1 yr.)
College of Education
Mimi Duncan (1 yr.)
College of Bus. Admin
Melissa Hattman, Past-President  (1 yr.)
Comm. Coll.Relations
Deborah Kettler (1 yr.)
Univ. Placement Services

Mary Bosnick, UMSL Liaison
Office of Alumni Association
414 Woods Hall 
Campus, 314-516-6433

Cindy Vantine (1 yr.)
University Relations

                             EX-OFFICIO BOARD  MEMBERS
David (Dave) Garin, 
Chem. & Biochem
Lawrence (Lol) Barton, 
Chem. &  Biochem.