Heart of America 2025
- Broodryk J Expanding the Field: A Case Study on hemianopia Rehabilitation Using Peripheral Prisms
- Nguyen K, Quinn K, Wasley O, DeKinder J, Tu J, Bassi C Number of Lenses Need For Success With Orthkeratology Inside and Outside the FDA Prescription Criteria
- Stewart M, Twardowski C Enopthalmos Secondary to Silet Sinus Syndrome in a Pediatric Patient
- Poskochil C, Nabhan T A Case of Advanced Visual Field Loss and Progressive Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Atrophy in a Patient with Optic Nerve Head Drusen
- Hansen M Bitoric Lens Fitting in the Management of Infantile Nystagmus
- Studebaker E, Schafers A, Nguyen M-C, Sutter J Conjunctival CIN-drome: the Good, the Bad, and the Squamous
- Gum E, Hayter K Hemorrhagic Papilledema Following Lumbar Puncture in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
- Friel M. Hoekel J Ocular Findings Involved in Free Sialic Acid Storage Disorder
- Nabhan T Teleretina Evaluation using Autonomous Methods (TEAMs)
- Chan K, Schafers A The Forceps Awakens: Corneal Complications Over Time
Academy of Optometry 2024
- DeKinder J, Nguyen K, Quinn K, Bongard J Survey of Self-perception Before and After Cosmetic Contact Lens Wear.
- Nabhan T, Schroeder C Refractive Err and Pinhole Acuity Relationships 2.0 (REPAIR 2.0)
Heart of America 2024
- Stevenson E Optometry's Role In Multidisciplinary Healthcare: Navigating Diagnosis and Treatment of Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
- Locke M, Buskirk K, Schafers A Recurrence of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia Following Interferon Treatment: A Review
- Bongard J What Came First, the Chicken or the Dry Eye? A Case of Using Scleral Lenses for Post-LASIK and Post-Trauma Dry Eye
- Dundon C, Hill M A Case of Acute Syphilitic Posterior Placoid Chorioretinitis Secondary to Undiagnosed Syphilis
- Papinski M James Hoekel A Case of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Associated Optic Nerve Pallor in a Young Adult
- Siegel K, Lai A, Stark P Acute Outer Retinal Damage in Childhood
- Du L Differentiation of Ischemic CRVO from Non-Ischemic CRVO
- Kyles K, Franzel A Latent Nystagmus and Color Synesthesia
- Multani, E Monocular Vision Loss as the Presenting Sign of a Pituitary Adenoma
- Nabhan T, Schroeder C, Hill M Refractive Error and Pinhole Acuity Relationships (REPAiR)
Heart of America 2023
- Welch J, Natarajan R, Chivetta M Recurrent HSVK without Prophylactic Intervention
- Winkel S, Buskirk K, Simpson M, Natarajan R Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasis Presenting as an Isolated Oculomotor Palsy
- Killon S Utilization of Prosthetic Contact Lenses for the Management of Visual Confusion and Glare
Academy of Optometry 2023
- Bozdech M, Day C, Neyens H, and Bassi C Macular Pigment Optical Density and Speed of Processing Are Inversely Related.Samuel Killion,
- Huff C, Franzel A, and Brooks E Assessing Lexplore Reading Analyses and Gray Oral Reading Test: A multiple regression analysis.
- Nabhan, Tareq Teleretina in the Primary Care Setting .
- Voss E, DeKinder J, Bassi C, Chubitz L Clear Care Plus as a Viable Filling Solution for Scleral Lens Wear.
Heart of America 2022
- Sashidhar, S Bilateral Disc Edema Secondary to Minocycline Use
- Arcot, S Knife to the eye: contact lens considerations for aphakia secondary to traumatic eye injury
- Peterson, K Management of Contact Lens Induced Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency with Scleral Contact Lenses
- Wright, B Proliferative retinopathy, in a patient with hypertension and acute renal failure
- Lockwood, K Systemic Considerations for Acute Presentations of Central Retinal Artery Occlusions
Academy of Optometry 2022
- Bongard J, Kyles K, Brooks E, Franzel A A Feed-Forward SEM for Eye Movements in Non-Skimming Dyslexics
- Kyles K, Bongard J, Brooks E, Franzel A A Revised and Refined Structural Factor Analysis for Non-Skimming Dyslexics
- Hauff C, Brooks E, Franzel A Logistic Regression Analysis in Non-Skimming Dyslexia
Global Specialty Lens Symposium 2021
- Moss, M Scleral Lenses Management of the Neurotrophic Cornea: A Case Series
Heart of America 2021
- Stark, P Coats Disease
- Moss, M Irregular Corneal Astigmatism and Post-Concussion Syndrome: Scleral Contact Lens Management of the Visually Symptomatic Patient
Academy of Optometry 2021
- Bongard J, Kyles K, Brooks E, Franzel A Revising Path Analysis Models for Non-Skimming Dyslexics
- Kyles K, Bongard J, Brooks E, Franzel A Skimming Behavior Modifications Over Time in the Dyslexic and Dysgraphic Populations
Global Speciality Lens Symposium 2020
- DeKinder JO, Voss E. A Visual Reference to Improve Specialty Lens Fitting Success.( presentation pdf) Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, January 2020
- Deering K, DeKinder JO, et al. Patients with High Astigmatism Contact Lens Study. Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, January 2020
- Chen J, DeKinder JO. Feeling that edge, Quadrant Specific Piggybacked GP. Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, January 2020
- Lee M, DeKinder JO. Highly Asymmetric Keratoconus and Optic Neuropathy on Monostotic Fibrous Dysplasia: A case report. Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, January 2020
Heart of America 2020
- Voss, E; Tu, J; Moss M Which Sagittal Height is Right? An Analysis of Scleral Sagittal Height at Various Diameters
- Davis Farhat SK; Johnson DW A Modern Perspective on the Technology Used for Diagnosis and Management of Choroidal Melanoma
- Lee, M; DeKinder J Contact Lens Considerations for Microcornea: A Case Report
- Deering, K Late-onset Stargardt Disease
Global Speciality Lens Symposium 2019
- Chen J, De Kinder J Contact Lens Challenges for Microcornea with a Glaucoma Drainage Device
- Tu J. Piggyback Attack: Piggyback Lens Fit Secondary to Traumatic Ocular Injuries
- Tu J Scleral Lens Fitting Complications In A Non-Compliant Patient With Ocular Surface Disease
Heart of America Eye Care Congress 2019
- Simpson R, Scott B, Hamm K, Tyra J, Jackson H, Fermil L, Kinder L, Simmons A, Bassi C Experience, Negotiation, and the Gender Wage Gap in Optometry
- Chen J, DeKinder J Breathing Easy, for the Patient and Yourself: Contact Lens Vision Rehabilitation for a Thirty-six-year-old Corneal Graft with Edema
Academy of Optometry 2019
- DeKinder J, Lam D, Kinoshita B, Henry V Rapid Fire: Success with Multifocal Lenses
- Gallen Q, Franzel A, Brooks, E Effect of Skimming Behavior on Path Analysis Models for Dyslexics
- Hamm C, Landgraf T, Schott M. Ganglion Cell Analysis with Cirrus SD-OCT in the Evaluation of Subacute Central Retinal Artery Occlusion.
- Visin J, Brooks E, Franzel, A The Influence of Skimming Behaviors on Dysgraphic Readers
Annual Barnes Jewish Hospital Multidisciplinary Research Conference 2019
- Hamm, C Interprofessional Education Utilizing Telehealth Simulation between Doctor of Nursing Practice and Optometry Students. Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
Heart of America Eye Care Congress 2018
- Abazi J, Lucas L Tilted Disc Syndrome Causing Bitemporal Visual Field Defects
- Crabtree J, Hamm C Bilateral Progressive Optic Neuropathy Attributed to Voluntary Globe Subluxation
- CRX Mutations K88N and E80A in Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis Kelly Cochran, Anne Hennig, PhD †, and Shiming Chen, PhD † †Washington University in Saint Louis – School of Medicine
- Draude C, Reynolds C, Henry V, Brooks E Comparison of Digital Eye Strain Signs and Symptoms with Biofinity Energys and Biofinity Contact Lenses
- Hamm K, Brooks E, Gallen Q, Franzel A Patients Seeking Visual Dyslexia Diagnosis Versus Median Income Per Zip Code
- Natarajan R, Adams J, DeKinder J Comparison of Orthokeratology vs. Multifocal Lenses Without Atropine for Myopia Control
- Pucci C, Lucas L Evaluating an Atypical Eyelid Mass for Possible Ocular Lymphoma with Computed Tomography Imaging
- Rosenthal B, Franzel A A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Complicated Acquired Brain Injury Case
Academy of Optometry 2018
- Cochran K, Hennig A, Chen S CRX Mutations K88N and E80A in Lebers Congenital Amaurosis
- Gallen Q, Franzel A, Brooks, E The Influence of Skimming Behaviors on Dyslexic Readers
Global Specialty Lens Symposium 2018
- Resected Iris Tissue + Surgically Induced Irregular Astigmatism Secondary to Open Globe Repair = A Unique Piggyback Combination.
- Dahms T, DeKinder J Tear Film Variability with Contact Lens Use
Academy of Optometry 2017 (Abstracts and CE)
- Adams J, Lukefahr K, Weaver JL Needs of the Visually Impaired in Grocery Stores
- Dahms T, DeKinder J Is buffered better?
- Hamm C, Reynolds S Where Anterior & Posterior Segment Meet: Pemphigus Vulgaris Complications Prevent Anti-VEGF for Wet AMD
- Hamm K, Brooks E, Franze A, Gallen Q, Stearn H Challenging the Current Belief the Role Refractive Error Plays in School Aged Children with Dyslexia and Other Visual Learning Disabilities
- Natarajan R, Reynolds C, Weaver JL Evaluation of Visually Accessible Formatting Characteristics in Children’s Books
- Reynolds C, Brooks E, Franzel A Analysis of Duration of Fixation in Visual Dyslexic and Reading Fluency Deficit Patients
- DeKinder J, Kinoshito B Contact Lens Cases
- Polk E New Advances in LASIK Surgery
- Polk E LASIK Surgery: Outcomes and Enhancements
- Dahms T., DeKinder J, A Guide to Optimal Correction of a Contact-Lens Intolerant Patient Status-Post Intracorneal Ring Segment Surgery A troubleshooting guide for prescribing specialty lenses for s/p corneal intacs patients.