
Intercampus Course Sharing

The course sharing program enables faculty to reach students from any University within the UM System by allowing the students to enroll in a course using their regular home campus registration process.

Course sharing offers many benefits to faculty and students. For faculty it offers 1) the opportunity to collaborate with faculty from other universities within the UM System, 2) faculty development around course development and design and 3) contribute to the well-being of the UM System, faculty, and students.

In order to participate one faculty member will complete the proposal(s) for the course(s) they wish to share with other UM universities.

Course sharing is designed so that an instructor at one UM System institution shares a course with the other campus(es), allowing students at the other institutions to complete the course. The institution that provides the instruction is referred to as the primary institution; similarly, the instructor providing the instruction is referred to as the primary instructor. A secondary instructor is then additionally listed as the instructor of record at the secondary institution with a matching course. 
Students register for courses at their home university though the course is taught by an instructor at another UM institution. Students pay the tuition and fees for the shared courses to their home university (the secondary institution). Students will NOT need to transfer credit between the primary and secondary institutions because the courses are considered in-residence as they are enrolling for the course on their home campus.

More information on Intercampus Course Sharing can be found on the UM System Intercampus Course Sharing Website

Course Sharing at UMSL

The University of Missouri - St. Louis offers many shared courses with the other UM System campuses, however, courses must be approved for sharing prior to offering them on the schedule of classes. Below is the link to the proposal template and course sharing best practices.  

Proposal Template

Course Sharing Best Practices

Shared courses should be communicated to the Registrar's Office when the schedule is being built for the term. Below is a helpful matrix to show what the optimal process looks like. 


The Course Sharing Attribute (primary or secondary) should be listed on the course via CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) by your departmental scheduler. Directions on how to do that can be found here

Below is more helpful information about shared courses:

  • The Registrar’s Office cannot link a course across terms.
  • A course must have an approved proposal in order to be linked.
  • To make the linking process more efficient please send to the Registrar’s Office:
    • Both course numbers and titles
    • The instructor information (for both sections)
    • Any special topics that should be listed on the course (s)
  • If you do not see your course, or see a course that is listed with incorrect information, contact your Registrar’s Office (scheduling@umsl.edu) immediately.


Faculty Load and Course Sharing

Primary Shared Courses:

Instructors of primary shared courses, those courses coded with a course attribute value of “UM Shared Course-Primary” and taught by faculty here at UMSL, should be given the role of Primary Instructor on the course in CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS). 

Secondary Shared Courses:

Instructors of secondary shared courses, those courses coded with a course attribute value of “UM Shared Course-Secondary” and taught by another campus, should be given the role of Secondary Instructor on the course in CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS). These are the only courses where a Secondary Instructor can be listed without also having a Primary Instructor listed on the course.  


Questions? Contact The Scheduling Team at scheduling@umsl.edu.