
The Scheduling Team


The Scheduling Team, comprised of Danielle Faucett, Megan Miller, and Kathy Miguel, is here to help with all things Curriculum and Scheduling within The Office of the Registrar. We can help with questions related to the Course Catalog, Course Scheduling, 25Live, Course Sharing, Final Exams, Pre-Requisites, Grading, and Faculty Load (to name a few). Please feel free to reach out to us, we are always happy to help!


The Scheduling Team


Danielle Faucett
Associate Registrar
(314) 516-5406
Email address: faucettd@umsl.edu

Megan Miller
Curriculum and Scheduling Analyst
(314) 516-6930
Email address: heiserm@umsl.edu

Kathy Miguel
Student Support Specialist Senior
(314) 516-5875
Email address: miguelk@umsl.edu

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Contact The Scheduling Team at scheduling@umsl.edu or 25live@umsl.edu