
Zoom Recording Best Practices

Use of Zoom Recording in classes:

 Zoom is a third-party product that is available across the UM system for course instructors to use for synchronous (real-time) video sessions with their students. Instructors can record these sessions and then share with students who are participating in the course session asynchronously, although Panopto is the recommended tool for creating pre-recorded lectures that can be shared with students.

 Like other course content created as part of university activities, these recordings are subject to federal student privacy law (FERPA) if students are personally identifiable in the recordings. Please contact your campus Registrar with any questions about FERPA.

 If an instructor does choose to record Zoom sessions, please do so in accordance with the following guidelines: 

Use the following Zoom settings

  • Disable Local Recording. For most instructors, recordings should be kept in the cloud and not downloaded to a local computer.
  • If video is desired, enable Record active speaker with shared screen
  • Disable Display participants’ names in the recording
  • Enable Require password to access shared cloud recordings

Enable Multiple audio notifications of recorded meeting, which plays an automated message whenever a recording is started, or a participant enters a session that is already being recorded.

Notify students beforehand

Let students know that you plan to record the Zoom session and also remind students at the beginning of the class (either orally or using a slide) if you don’t have the automated notification on.
Think about student participation

If an instructor chooses to record a Zoom session, they should not require student participation during the session. Students should be provided the choice to opt-out from identification in the recording by muting their audio, not enabling video, and not typing into the Chat window. In these cases, students should still be considered in attendance and not penalized in any way. If you do require participation during class (either by audio, video, or chat), use Zoom in a synchronous session and don’t record the session.

 Please also see the University of Missouri System Remote Learning Video Policies


Use of Zoom for telehealth or clinical remote instruction where discussion of patient data is possible:

As we move to telehealth and remote instruction via Zoom, we need to be ever mindful of the security of our electronic patient health information in our clinical, educational and administrative work. The University of Missouri System has a specific Zoom instance with a Business Associates Agreement (BAA) in place that allows us to do telehealth work “face to face”. If you do not have an account in this BAA Protected Zoom instance but need one, please login at: https://umsystemprotected.zoom.us/


As you work in this BAA Protected Zoom instance, be aware that it is NOT permissible to record these sessions using personal computers if the sessions contain actual patient data. Having ePHI on personal devices is never permissible or compliant with University policies on ePHI and HIPAA. This includes the recording of clinical sessions by faculty, staff and students. You can use Zoom for clinical sessions on personal devices, just do not record session.


Some clinicians do have specific University provided devices that are designed to hold ePHI, Zoom recording on these devices is permitted. It is also permissible to record “fake” sessions for clinical training and class instruction videos on any device as there is no real ePHI involved. 


If you have further questions please contact keeplearning@umsystem.edu.