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Submit Your Disclosure

Our goal is to see UMSL intellectual property (IP) make a positive impact around the globe. We understand the immense potential value of your inventions, copyrightable materials, software, and mobile apps. By completing and submitting a disclosure form, you're not just adhering to university policy, you're seizing an opportunity to maximize the impact of your intellectual property (IP).

Innovation Disclosure Forms

Ready to take the next step? Submit a completed disclosure form, which can be downloaded from the links below. Please see instructions on the form’s last page.

  • Invention Disclosure Form(UM16C, updated 9.15.15)
  • Copyright Disclosure Form (Non-Software)(3.9.22)
    • For information on what is copyrightable. please see Circular 1at Copyright.gov. Copyright can attach to many tangible materials, from guidebooks, surveys and video trainings to play scripts, production videos and digital images.
  • Software Disclosure Form(9.15.15)
    • Computer software may be commercially viable inventions protectable via patents and/or copyrights and could be subject to IP rights set forth in a sponsorship agreement.
  • Mobile App Disclosure Form(9.15.15)
    • Mobile apps also may be commercially viable, protectable IP and also possibly subject to IP rights set forth in a sponsorship agreement.

Once completed, submit the signed form to 346 Woods Hall (with original signatures). We can also collect signatures via Adobe Sign -- simply email your complete, unsigned disclosure form to UMSLtechtransfer@umsl.edu; we will return to the lead inventor via Adobe Sign who can then forward to any co-inventors for their signatures. 

Why Disclose?

  1. Protection: Safeguard your creations with the support of our dedicated team. We provide the necessary legal and administrative frameworks to protect your IP, shielding your work from unauthorized use or infringement.
  2. Access to Resources: Access a wealth of resources and expertise to further develop and refine your innovation. From patent attorneys to industry connections, we offer a network primed to propel your idea from concept to market-ready solution.
  3. Commercialization Opportunities: Explore pathways to commercialization with our guidance. Our technology transfer professionals specialize in navigating the complex landscape of licensing, partnerships, and startup ventures, helping ensure your innovation reaches its full potential.
  4. Potential Financial Return: At UMSL, 1/3 of licensing revenue after expenses goes to the inventor(s) and/or author(s). The remainder is distributed by University policy as described in License Revenues at UMSL.
  5. Fulfillment of University Policy: Compliance with university policies ensures transparency and accountability in the innovation ecosystem. By disclosing your inventions and creations, you contribute to a culture of responsible research and collaboration. (UM Patent and Copyright Regulations, Potential COI)

How it Works

  1. Submit Your Disclosure: Complete our user-friendly disclosure form, providing essential details about your innovation. Don't worry; our team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
  2. Evaluation and Support: Upon submission, your disclosure will undergo thorough evaluation by our experts. We'll work closely with you to assess the commercial viability and potential impact of your innovation, offering tailored support and guidance.
  3. Strategic Engagement: Once evaluated, we'll collaborate with you to develop a customized strategy for protection and commercialization. Whether through licensing agreements, industry partnerships, or startup ventures, we'll leverage our resources to maximize the value of your innovation.

For more information and assistance, contact UMSLtechtransfer@umsl.edu.

But My Idea is Just a Concept, Should I Disclose?

If you have an idea or concept for potential IP, please let us know! You can send a basic description via email to UMSLtechtransfer@umsl.edu, or call 314-516-6884. We’ll help guide you.

I’m Not Sure My Innovation Has Commercial Potential, Should I Disclose?

Yes! Contact us as early as possible. By planning patent strategy well in advance, you can add significant value to your future IP.

When Should I Disclose a Potentially Patentable Invention?

Disclose as soon as practicable but before you have presented it at any public forum including conferences and poster sessions and before it is published in any form including as an abstract, journal article, or online. Public disclosure can impact the legal status of the future patent.