
Submitting Your Proposal

Proposal Signature Routing Sheet

After the Principle Investigator (PI) has finalized the proposal draft the PI should then generate the Proposal Signature Routing Sheet in the PeopleSoft Grants Module (procedures for completing the signature page are given to the PI during training) and get all necessary signatures (the chair and dean). If the proposal has a co-investigator and that person is from a different department, the Signature Sheet should be signed by his/her chair and dean also. The Signature Sheet must be brought to the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) office along with the proposal. The proposal will be reviewed to ensure the correct F&A and fringe benefit rates have been used as well as the correct Department ID (DeptID) for the type of project that is being submitted.

Once the proposal and the grant signature page have been reviewed, the Vice Provost for Research will sign the Signature Page and the proposal. Copies of the proposal and the Signature Page are kept in the SPA office and, if the proposal is funded, become a part of the project file.

Multi-Campus Proposal Submission

If the project involves faculty and staff from another campus in the University of Missouri System, the SPA must have a copy of a signed Proposal Signature Routing Sheet from that campus. The Signature Page should reflect only the funds designated for that campus.

Deadlines for Proposal Submission

The deadlines outlined below are strictly enforced. Any exception must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Community & Economic Development.

Grant Proposal Budgets

When preparing a grant proposal, you must submit your budget to Melissa Laurenti (314-516-5894) in the SPA at least TWO (2) WEEKS BEFORE the proposal submission deadline. Note: Large or complex budgets should be finalized at least one week prior to submission.

Electronic Submissions (Federal Grants)

Please submit your completed federal grant application to the ORA at least ONE (1) WEEK prior to the final deadline to ensure proper electronic submission.

Signature Page

The signed PeopleSoft Signature Routing Sheet (PSRS) must be delivered to the SPA at least ONE (1) WEEK BEFORE the grant is to be submitted. This applies to any grant being submitted to any agency.

The PSRS must include ALL signatures (all PIs, Co-PIs, Dept. Chairs, Deans of each person, dept, and/or school who has time/resources committed through direct costs, cost sharing or match). If you are going to be away from the University at the time of submission, you must arrange to sign the PSRS signature page before leaving.

Negotiating the Award

The SPA will assist with any negotiations that may need to occur with getting the award. Any changes made to the proposal should be reviewed and approved by the SPA before they are submitted to the agency. The information will be adjusted in the PeopleSoft Grants Module by the SPA to ensure that the correct information is on file should the proposal be awarded.

Final Submission

If you need assistance with the final submission process, contact Melissa Laurenti (314-516-5894).