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Sponsored Programs Administration serves as the central office for funded research and other sponsored projects at the University of Missouri–St Louis, assisting faculty and departmental research staff to secure external funding and ensuring proper management of awarded funding.

A sponsored project is a project in which activities are funded by an entity outside the University of Missouri for a specific purpose which includes, but is not limited to, any research, scholarly, instructional, travel, conference, training or public service activity. A sponsored project will include (1) a statement or scope of work for a defined period of performance, (2) budget for funding to the University, and (3) a designated Principal Investigator, Program Director or other Lead or Contact Investigator. The funding mechanism can be through an award, grant, contract, cooperative agreement, memorandum of understanding, purchase order or other agreement that restricts or places terms and/or conditions upon the use of the funding or property.

Sponsored Programs Administration provides an array of services, including:

  • Proposal budget review, authorization and submission
  • Negotiation and acceptance of grants, subawards and funding contracts
  • Set-up of projects for awarded external funding
  • Process subcontracts
  • Support for compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations
  • Award management, reporting and closeout.