
Award Process and Management

Congratulations on receiving your award! Please review the following information about how UMSL's Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) staff operate once award notification is received.

Award Setup

Once funding has been awarded and the SPA has received the award notice from the agency, the SPA sets up a project number and MoCode in the PeopleSoft Grants Module. The agency-approved budget is entered into the system. If the project includes cost sharing, a MoCode is set up based on the DeptID provided by the department. A Grant Award Summary is generated and emailed to the Principle Investigator (PI), chair, dean, and, if requested, the appropriate fiscal officer.

Interim and Final Financial Reports 

The SPA accountant assigned to the grant completes all interim and final financial reports based on the dates given in the award or contract. The PI is consulted to ensure that all appropriate expenses are included in the final financial report. Copies of all financial reports are sent to the PI.


The SPA accountant assigned to the project will prepare all invoices. In some instances, the PI may need to provide information to submit an invoice. The System Cost Analysis Unit prepares letter of credit draws and electronic payments for the federal agencies. The PI is consulted when the final invoice is being prepared to ensure all appropriate expenses are included.


SPA sends a notice to the PI 60 and 30 days prior to the project end date as a reminder that the project is due to expire. It is a reminder that either a technical report may be due or an extension may be needed. If there is no response from the PI, the closeout procedures begin after the project has expired. The expenses are reviewed on the PeopleSoft Budget Variance #8 Report, and, if required by the sponsor, a financial report is prepared. The PI is notified to make sure all appropriate expenses have been included. Remaining funds (if not a fixed-price contract) are returned to the agency. The project is inactivated in PeopleSoft.

If the project is fixed price, the PI can request that the project be extended for up to one year to allow the PI to continue with the project for the period of extension. If the project is closed, any remaining direct-cost funds will be transferred to the PI's assigned departmental Grants Incentive Fund MoCode.

UM Research Board

Award notifications are sent via email.

If you receive a UM Research Board Award, you will also receive a Re-budget Form and Committee Comments. Most often, you will not receive the entire requested amount; therefore, it is very important that you re-budget for the new award amount.

Send the completed Re-budget Form to Sponsored Programs (341 Woods Hall). When the form is received, SPA requests an account for your project — each project is given its own MoCode. You will need to work with the Administrative Assistant in your department to access these funds and receive reimbursements.

Accounts are typically assigned about one month before the start date that you have indicated in your proposal; however, some accounts are started early.