
Common Searches

The Research Development team can help you identify and vet funding opportunities and develop a strategic funding roadmap for each stage of your career.

people planning a research proposal

Plan Your Proposal

Create a concept paper and reach out to program officers to pitch your research idea.

Cultivating relationships with program officers is critical to funding success.  The Research Development team can help you prepare for program conversations including mock Program Officer conversations, practice pitching your research, and guidance on how to reach out, what to say and what not to say to program officers. In addition, we can sit in on these conversations to help capture Program Officer feedback. 

Agency building

Federal Agencies

Use Grants.gov to find federal opportunities.

Fall on campus by the pyramid 


Use Candid to explore foundation funding.

Internal Funding

The University of Missouri System and UMSL offer competitive grant programs throughout the academic year. These programs support a variety of faculty and staff projects, research, travel support and equipment purchases.

globe in front of library shelf 

UMSL Junior Faculty Travel Grants 

Amount: Up to $2,000 for expenses to attend professional conferences at which the applicant will be making a presentation.

Application Deadline: Friday, Oct. 11, 2024, 5:00 PM

Download Guidelines  |  Apply on InfoReady

You can access the InfoReady platform by using your SSO Login using the umsystem.edu domain.  When you login for the first time, an account will automatically be set up for you.


presenter in front of audience

UMSL Research Awards  

Designed to strengthen faculty research and creative activities. A significant portion of the funds available for faculty research support is based on F&A cost recovery from externally funded grants and contracts. In order to perpetuate the fund, one purpose of the Research Awards is to support faculty whose competitive position for external funding will be improved by such assistance. Special consideration, particularly for summer research support, is given to junior faculty to assist them in establishing a strong research record.

Amount: $1,000 – $20,000

Applications Due: Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 by 5:00pm

Guidelines  |   Apply on InfoReady    

outside of the MSC from the patio

UMSL Research and Creative Works Seed Grants - Due March 15, 2024

UMSL Mid-Career Seed Grants provide funding to support research and creative endeavors that have high potential for scientific or societal impact. This funding aims to help mid-career faculty generate preliminary data in preparation for external applications and to stimulate multidisciplinary research toward solving big problems. Funding may also be used for training and related support to help mid-career faculty pivot to new areas of research and to support certain costs associated with approved sabbatical leave. Reach out to Cynthia Jobe at jobec@umsl.edu with questions or for more information.

Amount: Up to $25,000

Applications Due: March 15, 2024

Guidelines  |  Application Form