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November 2023 External Awards

Vijay Anand, College of Business Administration Research, awarded $24,998 for “Implementing Low-overhead Zero Trust for Network Communication and Computation Tasks at the Tactical Warfighting Edge” by the National Security Agency.

Jerry Dunn, Child Advocacy Center, awarded $308,708 for “Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) FY24” by the Missouri Department of Social Services.

Erika Gibb, Physics and Astronomy, awarded $66,717 for “Comets in the Context of Protostellar disk evolution” by the Jet Propulsion Lab.

Robin Kimberlin & Lynn Navin, Vice Provost Student Affairs & Dean, College of Education, awarded $483,627 for “CCAMPIS Child Care Access Means Parents in School program FY2023” by the US Department of Education.

Haitao Li & Andrea Hupman, College of Business Administration Research, awarded $90,000 for “Cass Research Services” by Cass Information Systems.

Channon Peoples, Access and Academic Support, awarded $125,000 for “Bridge Program Saturday Academy” by the Cigna Group Foundation.

Kaitlyn Quinn, Criminology & Criminal Justice, awarded $11,006 for “IICJ Partnership: Intersecting Institutions of Criminal Justice and Injustice Partnership” by the University of Alberta.

April Regester, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $40,000 for “TA: Regional Alliances of PSE programs for students with ID” by the University of Massachusetts.

April Regester, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $20,000 for “Becoming Empowered:  Missouri Self-Advocacy Learning Community For Youth in Transition” by the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council.

Chanua Ross, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $46,148 for “Graduate Educational Services Collaboration Agreement” by the City Garden Montessori Charter School.

Paul Sorenson & Elaina Johns-Wolfe, Community Innovation & Action Center and Sociology, awarded $110,000 for “Vacancy Strategy For the City of St. Louis” by the Community Builders Network of Metro St. Louis.

Christopher Spilling, Research and Economic & Community Development, awarded $15,000,000 for “Manufacturing Innovation Center” by the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $781,100 for “Drug Overdose and Occupational Safety Training” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Total Awarded: $17,107,258


FY2024 Annual Report to date  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)