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July 2023 External Awards

Emily Brown, Mary Edwin, and Phillip Waalkes, Education Sciences and Professional Programs, awarded $15,000 for “UMSL School Counseling Recruitment Initiative” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Michael Cosmopoulos, Office of International Studies & Programs, awarded $11,998 for “REU: The Origins of Modern States” by the NSF Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences.

Ashley Darling, Center for Behavioral Health, awarded $95,000 for “Psychological Evaluations for Jefferson County Youth 2023/2024” by the Jefferson Memorial Community Foundation.

Erin Fastzkie, Education Sciences and Professional Programs, awarded $15,000 for “UMSL School of Psychology School-Based Mental Health” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Kelly Gregory, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $8,316 for “MDMH Ongoing Maintenance for Online Functional Ability Assessment Tool FY21” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Sharon Johnson, Social Work, awarded $15,000 for “UMSL Social Work School-Based Mental Health” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Rachel Kryah, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $45,892 for “Central Missouri Child Trauma Initiative (CMCTI)-YR4” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Susan Marino, Dean College of Education, awarded $455,516 for “UMSL Charter Schools Sponsorship” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Robert Paul, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $19,689 for “CHAMPS: Cannabis, HIV, and Mental Processing Systems” by the Washington University School of Medicine.

Matthew Prsha, Environmental Health & Safety, awarded $18,000 for “Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Proposal title: Wastewater Operator” by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Edward Riedel, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $80,000 for “Women Empowered through Housing and Purposeful Employment (WE HOPE) Y4” by the Queen of Peace Center.

Nancy Singer, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $500,000 for “UMSL Education Pre-Apprenticeships” by Madison County Illinois.

Kathryn Smaistrla, Environmental Health & Safety, awarded $15,000 for “2023 Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant” by the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District.

Paul Sorenson, Community Innovation & Action Center, awarded $24,419 for “PPE Survey Infrastructure for the Regional Response Team” by the St. Louis Community Foundation.

Christopher Sullivan, Criminology & Criminal Justice, awarded $55,148 for “Research Assistantship Program” by the National Institute of Justice.

Rachel Wamser, Department of Psychological Science, awarded $29,024 for “Central Missouri Child Trauma Initiative” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Xuemin Wang, Biology, awarded $43,995 for “Graduate Student Support (Kennenberg)” by the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.

Xuemin Wang, Biology, awarded $815,858 for “Role of non-canonical pPLAIII-mediated acyl hydrolysis in plant functional morphology” by the NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences.

Xuemin Wang, Biology, awarded $72,479 for “Unraveling the molecular connections that link circadian rhythms and lipid metabolism” by the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $1,000,000 for “MDMH State Opioid Response 3.0” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $6,600,000 for “DMH Opioid Settlement Naloxone Distribution FY24” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $800,000 for “Narcan Nasal Spray Ordering 2023-24” by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Jodi Woodruff, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $69,986 for “MO Transition Aged Youth Local Engagement and Recovery (MO TAY-LER) Y5” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Total Awarded: $10,805,320


FY2023 Annual Report  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)

FY2022 Annual Report  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)