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January 2024 External Awards

Kiley Bednar, Community Innovation & Action Center, awarded $155,000 for “Children's Funding Project Fiscal Mapping Initiative at University of Missouri-St. Louis Community Innovation and Action Center” by the Children's Funding Project.

Ashley Darling, Center for Behavioral Health, awarded $81,528 for “Jefferson County Community Mental Health Fund Board 2024 CHILDREN’S SERVICE FUND” by the Jefferson County Community Mental Health Fund Board.

Reggie Hill, Student Services, awarded $237,864 for “The University of Missouri - St. Louis Student Support Services” by the U.S. Department of Education.

Dana Klar, Department of Psychological Science, awarded $500,000 for “AK-CAST Collaborative: "Ntasinek" (We are Healing)” by the Department of Justice.

Haitao Li & Vijay Anand, Research, awarded $214,415 for “NSF Convergence Accelerator Track J: Rapid Detection Technologies And Decision-Support Systems For Safe, Equitable Food Systems” by the National Science Foundation Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships.

Linda Marks, College of Optometry, awarded $2,850 for “Feasibility study for children's compliance with low-concentration atropine eye drops” by Ohio State University.

Robert Paul, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $348,150 for “Longitudinal determination of nervous system consequences of SARS-CoV-2 in virologically suppressed people with HIV-1 treated in early infection” by Yale University.

Robert Paul, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $116,571 for “Treatment Research Investigating Depression Effect on Neuroimmune Targets (TRIDENT)” by Florida International University.

Nancy Singer, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $70,000 for “Dewey Grant (Developing an Educator Workforce that Expands Yearly)” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Xuemin Wang, Biology, awarded $266,126 for “Unraveling the molecular connections that link circadian rhythms and lipid metabolism” by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $59,769 for “Connecting the DOTS: Drug Overdose Trust & Safety No Cost Extension” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Total Awarded: $1,790,605


FY2024 Annual Report to date  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)