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December 2022 External Awards

December 2022 External Awards

Sonya Bahar, Physics and Astronomy, awarded $106,819 for “Geosciences Artificial Intelligence Application (GAIA) Lab” by the Technology Entrepreneur Center Incorporated (T-Rex).

Natalie Bolton, Cody Ding, Phyllis Balcerzak, Magen Rooney, and Chanua Ross, Education Sciences & Professional Programs, awarded $4,062,395 for “UMSL Charter School Translational Fellows (UMSL-CSTF) Program” by the James S. Mcdonnell Foundation.

Maria Bradford, KWMU FM Radio, awarded $582,677 for “2023 Radio Community Service Grant” by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Amber Candela, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $43,881 for “Practice-Driven Professional Development for Algebra Teachers” by the University of Florida.

Jerry Dunn, Child Advocacy Center, awarded $599,511 for “Project ASSIST (Access, Skills, and Support for Implementation Science in Trauma-informed training)” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Erika Gibb, Physics and Astronomy, awarded $47,000 for “NASA Missouri Space Grant Consortium” by the Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center.

Kelly Gregory, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $25,000 for “DMH Spring Training Institute 2023” by the Missouri Deptartment of Mental Health. 

Jodi Heaps, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $600,000 for “MPCA-Health Care Home Initiative (PMPM)” by the Missouri Primary Care Association.

Jodi Heaps, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $61,461 for “Opioid Overdoses Among Medicaid Beneficiaries: Predictors, Outcomes, and State Policy Effects” by Rutgers.

Elaina Johns-Wolfe, Sociology, awarded $9,062 for “Measuring 3D Residential Segregation” by Saint Louis University.

Daniel Lauer, Research, awarded $50,000 for “Heartland Challenge Learning Cohort” by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $3,927,092 for “MDMH State Opioid Response 3.0” by the Missouri Deptartment of Mental Health.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $744,537 for “Prevention Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths (MO-HOPE PDO2.0) Y2” by the Missouri Deptartment of Mental Health.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $799,370 for “Connecting the DOTS: Drug Overdose Trust & Safety Y4” by the Missouri Deptartment of Mental Health.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $800,000 for “Narcan Nasal Spray Ordering” by the Missouri Deptartment of Health and Senior Services.

Jodi Woodruff, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $64,856 for “CMHC-Health Care Home Initiative (PMPM)” by the Missouri Behavioral Health Council.

Jodi Woodruff, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $69,992 for “SAMHSA-DMH MO Transition Aged Youth Local Engagement and Recovery (MO TAY-LER) Y4” by the Missouri Deptartment of Mental Health.

Total Awarded: $12,584,591


  FY2023 Awards to Date  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)

  FY2022 Annual Report  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)