
Common Searches


  • National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy.
  • Nearly 4.5 million voters have registered to vote on this holiday.
  • Volunteers and organizations coordinate field, technology, and media efforts to reach tens of thousands of eligible voters who might not otherwise register.
  • According to U.S. Census data, 1 in 4 eligible Americans are not registered to vote.

In Missouri, visit the MO Secretary of State’s website to register to vote, check your voter registration, and to find out more about upcoming elections.

In Illinois, visit the State Board of Elections website to register to vote.

For other states, registrations links are available at Vote411, along with voter guides and other useful information.

While many states have some restriction on felon voting rights, most states restore the right to vote to citizens after they complete their sentences. In fact, up to 18 million Americans with past convictions can vote RIGHT NOW – they just don’t know it – because the felony disenfranchisement laws in every state can be confusing. Visit Restore Your Vote to learn more.

Notary Services at UMSL

Some early voting options require a notary before being returned. UMSL faculty, staff, and alumni have volunteered their time to notarize ballots throughout the community and on the UMSL campus.

Questions or scheduling:

Email:  umslvotes@umsl.edu

Phone: 314-516-5833
