
Creating Whole Communities brings together the training and technical assistance expertise of MU Extension and the University of Missouri–St. Louis to support community development practitioners, leaders, and residents.

Creating Whole Communities looks to support organizational capacity building and leadership development through in-person training, written resource guides, and networking with training alumni. CWC’s training is rooted in a core set of community building principles. Work towards a whole community is community-driven, based on community assets, is collaborative across sectors and demonstrates collaborative problem solving, supports the development of civic leadership and strengthens formal and informal community institutions, and develops strategies that are comprehensive in nature and sustainable.

  • Are you a Missouri resident who has an idea for a project in your neighborhood? Looking for a network of community advocates? Seeking strategies for effective community engagement? You might be interested in Neighborhood Leadership Academy!

  • Are you a St. Louis City or North County resident interested in making systems level policy change in the region? Are you interested in serving on a board, commission, or in elected office? You might be interested in Neighborhood Leadership Fellows!

  • Wanting to find informational print resources such as guide sheets and toolkits on community building topics? Access resources


Training Partnerships

Do you want to contract with or partner with Creating Whole Communities to develop a training? Please contact Claire Rippel by email at wolffca@missouri.edu or by phone at (314) 400-7287. Creating Whole Communities is open to partnering with entities that want to contract for training or would like university participation in trainings.


What's New?

Connect with neighborhood leaders in your communities using the interactive Neighborhood Leadership Alumni map.

Search a robust collection of community development trainings on MO Community LAB.

NLA awards 20 mini-grants ($46,805) for residents to launch self-developed neighborhood initiatives.


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Claire Rippel 
(314) 400-7287