Fall 2024 NLA Schedule
NLA runs from September to November for 10 weeks and is held one evening a week from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. NLA offers two formats:
- In-person for St. Louis locals, Tuesday nights, Sept 17-Nov 19
- Hybrid (online and a few in-person sessions) for residents across Missouri, Wednesday nights, Sept 11-Nov 13
- We will be hosting a Meet the Teacher/Zoom Crash Course on September 4 so everyone can get comfortable with tech in a low-stakes setting
Session #1:
Opening Session
Session #2:
Community Building Principles
Session #3:
Leadership Practices
Session #4:
Understanding Local Government: Key Stakeholders and Assets
Session #5:
Community Toolkit #1: Project Planning
Session #6:
Resource Development
Session #7:
Community Toolkit #2: Running Effective Meetings
Session #8:
Session #9:
Getting the Word Out
Session #10:
For questions about the in-person course, contact Tasnim Haq at TFHKTB@umsl.edu
For questions about the online/hybrid course, contact Elizabeth Anderson, elizabethanderson@missouri.edu
Tasnim Haq