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Faculty Research Fellows Program

The Relationship Building and Research & Implementation Grant applications are open.

The Faculty Fellowship program requires two phases of submission for each grant:

Phase I (abstract): Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Phase II (full proposal): Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Creating Whole Communities Research Fellows program offers two types of grants to support UMSL faculty and doctoral students partnering with community to address important place-based challenges through rigorous issue- and practice-based research.

  1. Relationship Building Grant
    This grant initiative seeks to support University-community partnerships in the exploration process of mutual interests and shared goals with the aim that this will lead to a trustworthy partnership, long-term collaboration, and achievement of community-desired goals. A partnership with local organizations and/or leaders is a required component of this grant application. Up to $1,000 will be awarded to partnerships. Apply Now. 
  2. Research and Implementation Grant
    This grant initiative seeks to support faculty research that implements a philosophy of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and address issues that are critical to local neighborhoods and municipalities. Faculty must demonstrate partnership with local organizations and/or leaders as a component of this grant application. Up to $8,000 will be awarded to partnerships. Apply Now.

Apply NOW for the Relationship Building Grant and/or Research & Implementation Grant

To view the recorded Zoom information session which provides an in-depth explanation of each grant, please contact Tasnim Haq at tfhktb@umsystem.edu.
Phase I applications are due August 21 at 5pm. The Phase II directions will be sent upon approval of the Phase I abstract.

Submit application materials or questions to Tasnim Haq at tfhktb@umsystem.edu.

If you are involved with research, programming, or engagement related to community development issues and would like to collaborate with Creating Whole Communities, please contact us!