
Get Involved



Creating Whole Communities provides research grant opportunities and support for faculty in developing links with Missouri area resources and organizations. UMSL and Extension faculty may contact CWC staff for assistance in the following areas:

  • Making connections with community organizations to develop research or teaching partnerships or to arrange student placements or projects. The CWC staff has established connections with nonprofit and community-based organizations and local governments and can help you find a community partner that is the right fit!

  • Formation and facilitation of university-community teams to develop new initiatives or to apply for funding opportunities. If you are considering a grant application or working with a community organization on a new initiative and need some assistance in pulling the pieces together, we'd be glad to help.

  • Answering questions about the Faculty Research Fellows program that supports neighborhood focused research to help build the community development field of practice.


CWC provides opportunities for students to get involved in research, capacity building, and fostering civic dialogue around creating whole communities. Below are three types of positions with CWC. Check back frequently to see if positions have opened up or contact CWC staff for more information.

Graduate Assistant

This graduate position helps organize and staff the Neighborhood Leadership Academy, Neighborhood Leadership Fellows, other training, and public forums including the year-long series on neighborhood issues, "What’s Brewing." Creating Whole Communities Graduate Assistants are paid positions ($1,500/month).

Community Leaders

CWC looks forward to partnering with residents, community building nonprofits, government officials and policy makers, philanthropy, business leaders, and others to strengthen decision making and practices regarding creating whole communities. If you are interested in exploring a partnership with Creating Whole Communities, please contact Claire Rippel or by phone at (314) 400-7287.


What's New?

Connect with neighborhood leaders in your communities using the interactive Neighborhood Leadership Alumni map.

Search a robust collection of community development trainings on MO Community LAB.

NLA awards 20 mini-grants ($46,805) for residents to launch self-developed neighborhood initiatives.


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Claire Rippel 
(314) 400-7287