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Bridge Program After School Clubs meet from September to May in selected schools around the St. Louis metropolitan area to engage students in inquiry and discovery specifically in the fields of math and science.

Students will be involved in the math and science clubs and meet weekly to conduct research, participate in math and science competitions and become active high school students on the UMSL campus.

After School Clubs are active at:

  • Clyde C. Miller Career Academy
  • Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience
  • Hazelwood West High School
  • Jennings High School
  • Ritenour High School
  • University City High School



NextJenn @ Jennings High School

The UMSL Bridge Program NextJenn STEM TEAM members are taking their knowledge on the road by competing in numerous competitions! The more than 30 members have competed in CyberPatriot, FIRST Tech Challenge, WWT STEM Student Forum and Hackathon, and the "Show Me Manufacturing" Video Contest, to name just a few. 

Students are also benefiting from a newly-opened STEM Lab on the Jennings High School campus. The lab features unique learning stations including flight simulation, world languages, robotics and molecular modeling. 

Bridge Program Logo

The Benefits of Bridge

All Programs are FREE!

Scholarship Opportunities

ACT Prep Courses and Materials

1:1 College Planning Meetings

Student Success Empowerment Workshops