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U Got This! by Catharsis, is an online, sexual assault awareness and prevention program that provides critical information about:

  • consent
  • bystander intervention
  • sexual assault/sexual harassment
  • dating/domestic violence
  • stalking
  • and much more 


Trigger Warning: This is sensitive information which may be upsetting for some.  If you find this program too emotionally difficult, please contact our victim advocate, Mindy Stratmann-Sebol, at stratmannm@umsl.edu or Jessica Swederske at swederskej@umsl.edu for information regarding alternative options to fulfill your requirement. 

U Got This! Training

Undergraduate Student Training      Graduate Student Training

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why is the university requiring me to complete this training?
A.  As outlined in the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act, colleges and universities must provide primary prevention and awareness program for students and employees. A school may face warnings or fines up to $35,000 for failing to adhere to this federal law.

Q. I already completed a similar program because I am also an employee, have been a member of the military, completed it another school, etc., do I have to retake this training? 
A. Yes - as the information contained within UMSL’s U Got This! program is unique to our campus, all students are required to complete this version of the program.

Q. I’m taking classes totally online, or I’m a non-degree seeking student, do I need to complete the training?
A. Yes - given the importance of the information contained within the U Got This! program, UMSL is requiring all students to complete this training regardless of their classification. Note: Advanced Credit Program (ACP) students who are enrolled in an UMSL class at their high school are exempt from this requirement.

Q. What happens if I don’t complete the training?           
A. Failure to successfully complete the program will result in a negative service indicator (Title IX) remaining on your student account, which could ultimately prohibit you from enrolling in classes. 

Q. What if I miss the deadline, can I still complete the training?           
A. If you have missed the deadline, please complete the training immediately. 

Q. I am not a new student, I was just readmitted, do I need to complete the training again?
A. Yes – as information contained in the U Got This! program frequently changes, all students who are readmitted to the university are required to complete this training.

Q. I am having trouble accessing the U Got This! training. Who can I talk to for help?
A. If you have trouble accessing the U Got This! training you can email Title IX Director Jessica Swerderske at swederskej@umsl.edu