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Pregnant or Parenting: Title IX Protects Against Discrimination at School

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy and parental status, in educational programs and activities. Any public or private school, college or university receiving any Federal funds must comply with Title IX. It is illegal, under Title IX, for schools to exclude pregnant students (or students who have been pregnant) from participating in any part of an educational program, including extracurricular activities.

As a student, you should be allowed to continue part If needed, reasonable accommodations should be provided, which could include a larger desk, elevator access or allowing you to make frequent trips to the restroom, when necessary, because of pregnancy. Title IX protects you from harassment based on sex, including harassment because of pregnancy or related conditions. Comments that could constitute prohibited harassment include making sexual comments or jokes about your pregnancy, calling you sexually charged names, spreading rumors about your sexual activity and making sexual propositions or gestures.

The United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) reported that “only 2 percent of young women who had a child before age 18 earned a college degree by age 30. This low education attainment means that young parents are more likely than their peers to be unemployed or underemployed, and the ones who do find jobs will, on average, earn significantly less than their peers.

“To help improve the high school and college graduation rates of young parents, we must support pregnant and parenting students so that they can stay in school and complete their education, and thereby build better lives for themselves and their children.” In view of that need, the OCR prepared a pamphlet to help all recipients of federal financial assistance to better understand the legal principles that apply to secondary and postsecondary institutions. The pamphlet is available online.

For information pertaining to student services relating to Triton Student Parent Success, please visit Triton Student Parent Success Resources Information