
Keyboard Shortcuts in Zoom

The most current information for Zoom accessibility, including keyboard shortcuts, is hosted by the company. See Zoom Hot Keys and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Accessibility Settings

Zoom’s accessibility options are accessed via the Settings available in the Zoom application window (not the meeting window). To access settings, select the gear icon in the upper right of the Zoom application window.

The menu at the bottom of the active Zoom meeting window contains most of the commonly used Zoom features. Having this always available can make Zoom much easier to use for many people.
This is toggled on/off with the Alt key (Windows) or Ctrl + \ key combo (macOS).
To permanently have this displayed for all meetings, go to the Settings (Gear) link on the main Zoom application, select the Accessibility tab in the left pane, and then the “Always Show Meeting Controls” checkbox in the resulting pane.

screenshot of Zoom's accessibility settings, highlighting to turn on the meeting controls option

Common Shortcut Keys

Below are a few of the more commonly used keyboard shortcuts useful for Zoom meeting participants. These shortcuts only work when Zoom is the active application, however, it is possible to make them global in the Zoom settings for Keyboard Shortcuts. It is possible to change the shortcuts in the Settings as well. Turning on global for items such as Audio on/off allows control of your microphone when Zoom is not the active window. Be aware this may cause issues with other active applications.

Mute/Unmute Microphone

(mnemonic is “A is for Audio”)
Windows: Alt + A
Mac: Command + Shift + A

Turn Camera on/off

(mnemonic is “V is for Video”)
Windows: Alt + v
Mac: Command + Shift + v

Toggle Chat on/off

(mnemonic is “H is for Holler”)
Windows: Alt + h
Mac: Command + Shift + h

Toggle Participants List on/off

(mnemonic is “U is for Users”)
Windows: Alt + u
Mac: Command + u

Toggle Speaker/Gallery View

Windows: Alt + F1
Mac: Command + Shift + w

Raise/Lower Hand

(mnemonic is “Y is for Yo, I know!”)
Windows: Alt + y
Mac: Option + y