
Graduate Program Dismissal Appeal

Procedure for Dismissal Appeals for both DNP and Ph.D.:

  1. The Senior Director of Graduate School will notify the student via letter of dismissal from program.
  2. The Dean will notify the student about dismissal from the College of Nursing Graduate Program.
  3. Students requesting to appeal program dismissal must submit a one-to-two-page letter of appeal and any supporting documents to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs within five (5) business days of receiving the letter of dismissal from College of Nursing. This is to ensure an equitable processing of a student appeal.
    1. The letter of appeal should include circumstances that prevented the student from success in the course(s), as well as an articulated plan for future success if the appeal is granted.
    2. Supporting documents may include, but are not limited to, letters of recommendation from didactic course or residency/practicum faculty, email communications, letters of accommodations from Disability Services, etc.
  4. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will notify the Graduate Appeals Subcommittee Chairperson within two (2) business days of receipt of the student’s letter of appeal and submitted supporting documentation.
  5. The Graduate Appeals Subcommittee Chairperson will notify the subcommittee of the pending appeal within two (2) business days of notification and will gather and disseminate all materials related to the appeal to the subcommittee members within five (5) business days of receipt of the letter of appeal (ex: transcripts, documentation from faculty of record, Starfish, etc.).
  6. Upon receipt of the letter of appeal, the Graduate Appeals Subcommittee Chairperson will schedule the appeal meeting and notify the subcommittee members and students of the date, time, and location of the meeting. The appeal meeting will be scheduled approximately seven (7) business days following the chairperson’s receipt of the letter of appeal.
    1. The student will be notified that they (i) are encouraged to attend the appeal meeting and (ii) should be prepared to discuss the circumstances of their dismissal.
  7. The meeting will take place on the scheduled date and time with the student. The appeal will be heard; then, the student will be excused from the meeting. The Graduate Appeals Subcommittee will then deliberate and make the decision to either deny or grant the appeal.
  8. The Graduate Appeals Subcommittee Chairperson will write the final decision letter. Additional stipulations, as identified by the Graduate Appeals Subcommittee, will be added to any granted appeal.
  9. The Graduate Appeals Subcommittee Chairperson will email the decision letter to the student and follow up with a hard copy mailed letter within two (2) business days of the appeal meeting.
  10. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will add a copy of the decision letter to the student’s academic file. The decision will then be recorded and preserved in a private, secure location.


Reasons for Dismissal, DNP:

  1. The Dean or Associate Dean of Student Affairs will notify the Senior Director of Graduate School by letter of an intent to dismiss the student for one or more of the following reasons:
    1. Failure to complete a probationary period satisfactorily as outlined in the DNP hand book or 7.9 Graduate Probation Policy 7.10 Graduate Dismissal Policy
    2. Exceeding 5 years for PGC program completion
    3. Exceeding 8 years for DNP program completion
    4. Failure of any two required Graduate DNP nursing courses
    5. Failure to earn a satisfactory grade (C+ or above on CON grading scale) in a required specialty specific nursing DNP course being repeated.
    6. Failure to earn a satisfactory grade (C+ or above on CON grading scale) in a required foundational concept DNP course being repeated.
    7. The falsification of any information provided to CON or university on any record.
    8. Irresponsible, unsafe, or unprofessional behavior as determined by CON or University ( See code for academic and professional conduct).


Reasons for dismissal, PhD:

  1. The Dean or Associate Dean of Student Affairs will notify the Senior Director of Graduate School of an intent to dismiss the student for one or more of the following reasons:
    1. Failure to complete a probationary period satisfactorily or as outlined in the Ph.D.  handbook or 7.9 Probation of Graduate School Policies, - 7.10 Graduate Dismissal Policy
    2. Exceeding 8 years for Ph.D. program completion
    3. Failure to remain in good standing - 5.2 Continuous Enrollment Graduate School Policy To remain in good standing, students must enroll for at least one term each calendar year or risk dismissal.
    4. The falsification of any information provided to CON or university on any record.
    5. Irresponsible, unsafe, or unprofessional behavior as determined by CON or University ( See code for academic and professional conduct).