
Grade Appeal Procedure

Application of This Policy

Students are responsible for meeting the standards established for each course they take. Faculty are responsible for establishing the criteria for grades and evaluating student academic performance.

The grade appeal procedure allows for the review of allegedly capricious grading. It is not intended as a review of the instructor's evaluation of the student's academic performance. The burden of proof shall be on the student. Disagreement or dissatisfaction with a faculty member’s professional evaluation of coursework is not a basis for a grade appeal.

The following is in alignment with the guidelines set forth by the University and is designed to assist students in the appeal process.

Capricious Grading is defined as any of the following:

  1. The student’s grade was assigned on the basis of other factors rather than the performance on
    the assignment or in the course;
  2. The student’s work was graded with more demanding standards than were applied to
    equivalent students in the course (note* different grading criteria applies to graduate students);
  3. The instructor assigned a grade using standards that were substantially different from thosepreviously announced or stated in the syllabus.

Informal Procedures

Every effort should be made to resolve academic matters quickly with the instructor. After the awarding of a course or assignment grade, a student should discuss the matter fully with the instructor and request a review of the grade. Students should prepare for this meeting and discuss their work thoroughly with the instructor.

Formal Procedures

If the student has not already done so, they should discuss the contested grade fully with the instructor. Students should prepare for this meeting and bring all relevant work (tests, reports, etc.) and information with them.

If the matter is not resolved or the student wishes to appeal the instructor’s decision, a written appeal must be submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic Programs.

  1. within thirty working days of the start of the first regular semester (fall or spring) following thesemester for which the grade was given or;
  2. within thirty days after the assignment of the grade (whichever is later).

Appeals must be presented in writing and contain the following information:

  1. A clear concise statement which includes the name of the instructor, the course and semestertaken, and a statement describing the specific supporting evidence of capricious grading;
  2. A brief summary of the prior attempts to resolve the matter and the results of those previousdiscussions;

The Associate Dean of Academic Programs will discuss the matter with the instructor and the instructor may or may not agree to change the grade. The Associate Dean of Academic Programs will inform the student in writing of the outcome within 10 days of receipt of the written appeal.

If the student is not satisfied with the result of the discussion between the Associate Dean of Academic Programs and instructor, they may submit an appeal to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs for the matter to be reviewed by the College of Nursing Appeals Committee.

  1. The student must submit the appeal to the College of Nursing Appeals Committee within 10 days of receiving the result of the discussion between the Associate Dean of Academic Programs and instructor.
  2. The College of Nursing Appeals Committee is composed of two nursing faculty, one nursing staff member and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.
  3. The committee is charged with determining whether the grade in question was awarded capriciously.
  4. The committee will investigate the matter, which may or may not include meeting with the student, instructor, and other faculty and staff as appropriate.
  5. Following its inquiries and deliberations but prior to making a final recommendation, the Appeals Committee will submit a copy of its findings to the course instructor.
  6. If the course instructor elects to comment on the findings of the committee, they must do so within seven working days.
  7. Within 30 working days of receiving the student’s appeal, the College of Nursing Appeals Committee will submit its recommendation and rationale in writing to the student, course instructor, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, and college Dean.
  8. If the Appeals Committee recommends a change of grade, the Dean of the College of Nursing or their designee will change the grade and notify all parties involved of this action.

If the student is not satisfied with the result of the college level review they may appeal to the Provost.

  1. within 10 working days of receipt of the College of Nursing Appeals Committee recommendation.
  2. The Provost will review the appeal process for procedural errors only and rule on whether procedures were appropriately followed.
  3. If the Provost concludes procedural errors occurred, the matter will be returned to the College of Nursing and the Dean will appoint a new Appeals Committee to review the case.
  4. The Provost may NOT change a grade given by any instructor.

Document Submission

College of Nursing, Office of Student Services
ATTN: Dr. Cara Doerr, Assoc. Dean of Student Affairs
email: ccdhdv@umsl.edu
Nursing Administration Building, Rm # 111
2907 East Drive
St. Louis, MO 63121