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UMSL College of Nursing Academic Success Plan Policy

UMSL College of Nursing is establishing a plan to address students at-risk of failure and appropriately remediate knowledge deficits.

Purpose: To provide students and faculty guidelines for referral for academic or personal assistance. Policy Statements: The University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) College of Nursing (CON) is committed to fostering a culture which provides academic opportunities and an environment for all qualified students to be successful in the classroom and in the healthcare workplace. The College of Nursing is committed to supporting students through academic coaching and services.

Summary: The CON is committed to supporting student’s academic success. This program is designed to identify students at-risk of failure and appropriately provide a plan for filling learning gaps by providing knowledge assessments and focused reviews to guide remediation. This program is designed to prepare the student for the clinical practice and National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).

Policy-Related Procedures: The UMSL College of Nursing standardized Student Success Plan policy will
be used by undergraduate faculty, program directors, associate dean, and dean’s fellows.

Data collection process:

  1. Data collection tool: Data tracking students given Academic Success Plans will include exam scores,
    ATI scores, and NCLEX results.
  2. How often collected: Data is collected by semester and by cohort by the Program Director and Dean’s Fellow for Teaching, Testing, and Learning Enhancement.
  3. Data storage location: Data is stored in a protected file in Teams.
  4. Responsible parties for collection: Program Director and Dean’s Fellow for Teaching, Testing, and Learning Enhancement
  5. Reporting Process: Report Student Success Plan program results to Undergraduate Committee.

Original Effective Date: 08 September 2023
Last Review Date: 08 September 2023
Last Revision: 08 September 2023
Policy Owner: Undergraduate Committee

Academic Success Plan Policy

The Academic Success Plan (ASP) is designed to promote the success of pre-licensure students at-risk of
being unsuccessful in a course or having difficulty achieving course objective and/or core competencies in the College of Nursing (CON). The ASP is intended to supplement the student’s learning, not replace course curriculum. The ASP is initiated to address the following situations:

  • Academic jeopardy (exam average below 76% after two or more exams)
  • In danger of failing clinical or lab
  • A grade below a B- in Pathophysiology
  • Repeating a course
  • GPA <2.75 for traditional; GPA <3.0 for accelerated
  • Two Cs or C+s in a semester (should this be clinical only, or preclinical as well?)
  • Scoring below level 1 on an ATI exam
  • Score level 1 on more than one ATI exam

The CON will support variable workload release for select faculty members to serve in the role of academic coach. The academic coach requires expertise in various teaching pedagogy, extensive knowledge in nursing content areas and educational theory. Academic coaches will provide individual and group academic support. Academic coaching will be initiated by referral using the Academic Success Plan form (see attached). Coaching meetings will address weak content areas or skills noted in the Student Success Plan. All meetings will be recorded on the form and the form will be placed in the student’s academic file.

Course faculty, program directors, Dean’s Fellows, and Student Services may initiate the Academic Success Plan as soon as an at-risk student is identified. Faculty members are responsible for meeting with the student to discuss identified deficits and create a plan based on individual student needs. If a student is struggling in multiple areas, separate remediation plans are to be established for each at risk behavior. The ASP must be documented using the Academic Success Plan form and meet the following guidelines:

  • Clearly describe the area(s) of deficiency;
  • State if referral to academic coach is recommended;
  • Outline activities individualized to the student’s deficits such as practice-tests, written study materials, laboratory skills practice or demonstration, or any other methods suggested by the faculty;
  • Identify specific desired and measurable goals;
  • Record of all meetings with academic coach, retention coordinator, and/or Dean’s Fellow for Teaching, Testing, and Learning Enhancement;
  • Time frame for completion of plan;
  • Signed by student and faculty;



  1. Identify student meeting criteria of ASP policy.
  2. Post ‘flag’ in MyConnect (Starfish). Record “Student meets ASP criteria” in comments of flag.
  3. Schedule a meeting with the student to discuss performance within 5 business days.
    1. Assign Student Self Reflection to complete and bring to student-faculty meeting.
    2. Student’s must have ASP meeting before being released to sit for further exams in the
      affected course.
  4. Initiate the Academic Success Plan form at student meeting.
    1. Determine the need to refer to retention coordinator, academic coach, and/or Dean’s
      Fellow for Teaching, Testing, and Learning Enhancement.
      1. First and second semester students – Dr. Diane Saleska
      2. Third and fourth semester students – Dr. Bill DeClue
    2. Outline areas of deficit and recommended learning activities for content advising
      meeting such as list of concepts and exemplars missed on exam, ATI exam individual
      performance profile, skills to develop, etc.
    3. Submit the completed and signed form to Student Success and Retention Coordinator.

Determining Referral

Retention Coordinator

  • Personal obstacles noted on Student Self Reflection

Academic Coach

  • Clinical success
  • Content knowledge deficit
  • Exam remediation
  • ATI remediation

Dean's Fellow for Teaching, Testing, and Learning Enhancement

  • Academic obstacles noted on Student Self Reflection


In some cases, the Academic Coach may determine the interventions and/or frequency of their meetings should be adjusted. Any changes to the plan must be initialed/signed by the faculty member who initiated the ASP. Student Services will be involved in all ASPs. Once a ‘flag’ is placed in MyConnect (Starfish), a meeting will also be scheduled between the student and The Student Success and Retention Coordinator. Students on ASPs are to attend weekly student success sessions during the scheduled academic lab. Attendance will be collected by the facilitator and shared with the retention coordinator and Dean’s Fellow of Teaching, Testing and Learning Enhancement.