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Research-Related Resources

The Office of Research provides many research-related resources for faculty and students, and is responsible for overseeing and approving all requests for funding and IRB submissions, as well as facilitating connections to university-wide research assistance as needed.

Faculty and students can receive help with grant/funding searches, grant writing, research design, data collection, survey development and administration, IRB, literature reviews, Qualtrics support, statistics, SPSS statistical software support, multi– and inter-disciplinary connections with faculty in other departments or universities, contracts and subcontracts, writing and editing proposals including budget development, manuscripts writing and editorial support, assistance with conceptualizing a research agenda, and more.

Additionally, we have compiled the following list to aid scholars at the College of Nursing with easy access to commonly utilized campus services and CON-specific guides for intramural and extramural research funding. Please contact the Research Associate if you have additional questions or suggestions for resources that should be included. 

  • The Office of Research and Economic & Community Development is UMSL’s sponsored research activities office and is responsible for overseeing and managing all grants and grant proposals at UMSL. Every proposal for funding must be reviewed by RECD before it is submitted. When and if funds are awarded, RECD assists with grants and contracts invoicing and reporting obligations specific to the project. It is also through RECD that faculty can access the Research Portal and connect industry with research related needs.
  • The Institutional Review Board at UMSL is responsible for reviewing all funded research projects for ethical and legal concerns related to human subjects and animal research studies. Faculty with a funded project should work with the Research Associate to develop their IRB proposal and ensure all required documentation is submitted to the eCompliance system by the appropriate monthly deadline for review. Access guidance for the new IRB eCompliance system. PhD and DNP students must complete an IRB form (protocol, QI Determination, or Human Subject Determination) prior to commencing their dissertation research or capstone project. All CON-related IRBs must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research prior to submission.
  • Access a checklist and associated forms for determining when a project (such as DNP capstone projects) qualifies as Quality Improvement (QI) versus IRB review.
  • Faculty and students engaged in research must be trained in human subjects protections. It is the responsibility of each faculty member involved in any research at the CON to maintain current Collaborative Institutional Initiative (CITI) training certificates on file and ensure those files are connected to UMSL. The individuals needing to complete CITI training should access these trainings through the eCompliance system to ensure training records are automatically updated in UMSL's system. CITI training must be updated every three years. Please see the Institutional Review Board for information on how to access the training modules. For additional assistance, please contact the Research Associate.
  • UMSL uses Qualtrics software for survey administration. All faculty, students, and staff can create an account for free at the link provided. Learn more about Qualtrics. UMSL uses SPSS for quantitative data analysis. SPSS software can be downloaded by logging into the software distribution site.
  • All important Research Office related materials can be accessed at the Research Office Public Teams site.

The Office of Research sends a monthly newsletter to all faculty, staff, and students with funding opportunity announcements, scholarship updates, new nursing education-related research, findings, and other items of interest to the nursing researcher. Please send any additional announcements to be included in this newsletter to the Research Associate.

The Office of Research offers quarterly research workshops on various topics including survey development, qualitative data analysis, and avoiding predatory journals when looking to publish. Monthly Brown Bags are facilitated by a variety of CON faculty members and are meant to provide opportunities to collaborate on supporting research grants and manuscripts at all stages of the process, incubate new ideas, and develop collaborations.

Research Brown Bags are held the first Thursday of the month at 10am. For additional information please contact the Research Associate.