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- Umit Tokac, PhD
Umit Tokac
Umit Tokac has a Ph.D. in Measurement and Statistics from Florida State University (FSU). He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics education in his home country of Turkey and a second master’s degree from FSU in Research Methods and Statistics. He worked at Center for Advancement of Learning and Assessment (CALA), FSU as a graduate research assistant on the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) project for three years. He also worked for State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) as a psychometrician during graduate school. After he completed his Ph.D., he worked one year as a data analyst for Pearson Educational Testing Company and one year for Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH), University of Missouri – St. Louis as an assistant research professor. His primary research interests are Bayesian data analysis applications, and adapting artificial intelligence methods to different disciplines in order to measure and monitor participants’ current conditions as well as forecast their future conditions. His area of research interest is also focused on veterans in the area of PTSD and neurological effects.
PhD, Florida State University
MS, Florida State University
MS, Gazi University (Turkey)
BS, Gazi University (Turkey)
Research Interests
Dr. Tokac's primary research interests are Bayesian data analysis applications, and adapting artificial intelligence methods to different disciplines in order to measure and monitor participants’ current conditions as well as forecast their future conditions.
His area of research interest is also focused on veterans in the area of PTSD and neurological effects.
Selected Publications
Tokac, U. & Razon S. (2021) Nursing Professionals' Mental Well-being and Workplace Impairment during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Network Analysis. Journal of Nursing Management.
Berger, C., Tokac, U., Fish, A.F., Dane, J.N. (2020) Implementation Science: Changing Practice in Oral Health. The Nurse Practitioner.45 (7), 27-34.
Freeman, A., Nam-Speers, J., & Tokac, U. (2020). A Meta-Analysis of Organizational Ownership and Technical Efficiency: Non-linear Influence by Facility Types and Time for Nonprofit and For-Profit Healthcare Providers. International Review of Public Administration. 25(2), 106-128.
Oostveen, A., Ramick, M.G., Razon, S., Tokac, U., & Reed, M.A. (2020). The effects of a pre-Infusion and home exercise program on quality of life and fatigue during chemotherapy treatment: A case study. International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology, 16, 79-92.
Tokac, U., Novak, E. & Thompson, G. C. (2019). Effects of game-based learning on students’ mathematics achievement: A meta-analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
Ross, E. D., Ochs, L. A., Tate, D., Tokac, U., Seabaugh, J., Abildskov, J.T., Bigler, D. E. (2018). High Correlations between MRI Brain Volume Measurements based on NeuroQuant® and FreeSurfer. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.
Bureau, A.T., Razon, S., Tokac, U., Saville, B.K., & Judge, L.W. (2017). Passion for academics and problematic health behaviors. International Journal of Exercise Science. 10(3), 417-433.
Leitzelar, B., Razon, S., Tokac, U., Dieringer, S., Book, C. & Lawrence W. J. (2016). Effect of a supportive audience on a handgrip squeezing task in adults. International Journal of Exercise Science, 9(1), 4-15.
Razon, S., Mandler, K., Arsal, G., Tokac, U., & Tenenbaum, G. (2014). Effects of imagery on effort perception and endurance. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity. 9(1), 23-38.
Velasquez G., & Tokac, U. (2014, Summer). Using evidence-centered design to diagnose proficiency in solving story problems. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 6(2), 65-76.
Tokac, U. & Kocayoruk, E. (2012). Exploring effects of parent involvement on student’s achievement. International Journal of Social Science & Education, 2(2), 257-263.
Selected Presentations
Tokac, U., Novak, E. & Thompson, C. (2018, April). Effects of game-based instruction on mathematics achievement: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY, April 13-17, 2018.
Chan, P., Tokac, U., Hellmuth, J., Kroon, E., Colby, D., Sacdalan, C., Fletcher, L. J., Tipsuk, S., Pinyakorn, S., Robb, L. M., Ananworanich, J., Valcour, V., Spudich, S., Paul, R. (2018, March). Longitudinal Cognitive Outcomes After Treatment in Acute HIV Infection. Paper presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Boston, MA, March 4- 7, 2018.
Tokac, U. (2017, April). Using POMDPs to Implement an RTI Framework for Early Reading. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), San Antonio, TX, April 26-30, 2017.
Tokac, U., Almond, G. R. (2016, June). The efficacy of the POMDP-RTI approach for early reading intervention. Paper presented at 13th UAI Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (BMAW 2016) co-located with the 32nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2016), New York City, NY, USA, June 25, 2016.