I have been a nurse for 18 years and cared for patients from 10 months to 102 years old. Experience includes teaching, caring for adults and children in hospitals and at home, and in conducting research. I started in home healthcare, transitioned into teaching, and worked at Seattle Children’s on a rehabilitation unit for brain and spinal cord injury patients. When I moved to Missouri in pursuit of higher learning, I worked weekend option on a general medical floor and part-time positions as a floor nurse and adjunct faculty until being hired to teach full-time at the College of Nursing.
University of Missouri St. Louis – PhD 2013-2019
Southeast Missouri State University – MSN (FNP prepared) 2010-2013
University of Washington – BSN 2006-2007
Lake Washington Technical College – ASN 2004-2006
Research Interests
The field of psychoneuroendocrinology interests me. My work focuses on connecting bench research with clinical research in the development or improvement of healthcare practice methods for identifying the presence of significant stress and its impact on preventing disease development or successful management of disease conditions.
Selected Publications
Minks, J.T. (2010). Humania and the Legend of Commander Pancreator. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
(In progress) Minks, J.T. Humania and the Legend of the Wizard’s Apprentice.
Minks, J.T. (2013).Influence of psychological stress on the development of type 2 diabetes (Order No. 1568172). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text (1635102056).
Minks, J.T. (2020). Examining the relationship between stress and insulin resistance in civilians and veterans. Clinical Diabetes and Research, 4, 50-54. DOI:10.36959/647/494
Minks, J.T. (2020). A theoretical framework to guide a study for exploring the impact of established and potential risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Applied Nursing Research, 53.
Minks, J.T. (2020). When stress becomes hopelessness. EC Nursing and Healthcare, 2(10), 16-18.
Selected Presenations
‘Working with difficult families: Thinking outside the box’ according to Continuing Education Guidelines. (Seattle Children’s Hospital, 2009)
Conceptual framework: distress and type 2 diabetes. (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2015)
Distress and risk factors for type 2 diabetes. (STTI Research Congress, 2015)
The Stress and Coping Framework for the Development of Type 2 Diabetes. (International Webinar on Nursing Education and Nursing, 2020).
Sepsis screening: Improving accuracy of assessments – A study protocol. (15th Annual Multidisciplinary Research Conference, 2022).
Other Scholarly Activities
Reviewer for Endocrinology, Diabetes, & Metabolism (2022-2023)
Reviewer for the Journal of Nursing Reports (2022-2023)
Honors and Awards
Discovery Award for accomplishment in healthcare research outside employment in academia –Chamberlain University (2015)
Jonas Veterans Health Scholarship for leadership development in research, policy, and practice – Jonas Philanthropies (2016)
Shirley A. Martin Distinguished Nurse Award for outstanding personal and professional growth –University of Missouri St. Louis (2019)