Academic Advising

Academic advisors are faculty and staff assigned to help you make the most of your time at UMSL. They serve as your guide, interpreter, and mentor. Your advisor will help you learn to navigate campus, your academic preparation, course preferences, and your advisor's knowledge of University requirements will come together as your craft an UMSL academic plan.

Before you meet with an academic advisor, please take a look at the 4 year plan for your major in the Bulletin, as well as, the Schedule of Classes on MyView. After all, you want to be in the driver's seat as you plan your educational path! Your advisors look forward to working with you to create your academic plan at UMSL! 

All students new to UMSL are required to meet with an academic advisor to register for courses and discuss their academic plan - see below for next steps.

Admitted Students Academic Advising for 2025:

If you are a first-time college and/or transfer, adult, or online student starting Spring, Summer, and/or Fall 2025.

When can I meet with my Academic Advisor for the following semesters?

  • Spring 2025 - registration is available now, complete before your Orientation date.
  • Summer 2025 - registration availabilty date coming soon
  • Fall 2025 - registration availabilty date coming soon

To learn more about your academic advising process and view how to make an appointment, visit the Academic Advising Website

Regardless of how you choose to schedule your advising appointment, you must meet with your academic advisor before you will be allowed to register for any classes. 

Transfer students should bring all transcripts and test scores with them to their advising appointment if a transcript evaluation is not complete.  If you are unsure of the status of your transcripts please contact the Admissions Office at (314) 516-5451. 

Advising Contacts

All Academic Colleges/Schools 

Students are advised by their specific college or department. To learn more about your academic advising process and view how to make an appointment, visit the Academic Advising Website

Pierre Laclede Honors College - UMSL Honors Students

Students enrolled in the Pierre Laclede Honors College should meet with an Honors College advisor & your Academic College/School advisor. Your Honors College advisor will help you select the appropriate Honors College courses and your Academic Advisor in your college/school will assist with your major course and other criteria. 

To set up your initial appointment with the Honors College please contact:
Pierre Laclede Honors College
Audri Adams
(314) 516-4890

If you have not yet applied to the Honors College please contact:
Honors Admissions Representative
Rachael Carpenter
(314) 516-6574 

UMSL Athletes

All new UMSL athletes should meet with the Assistant Director of Athletics for Academics, Alex Miner BEFORE making an academic advising appointment with your College/School. Alex will help you select the appropriate courses that will align with your athletic schedule and practices. Each student will meet with an additional academic advisor from your major to complete your registration by your College/School.

To set up your appointment with UMSL Athletics please contact:
UMSL Athletics
Alex Miner
(314) 516-4250 

UMSL Military-Connected Students

All military-connected students should contact the UMSL Veterans Center BEFORE meeting with your academic advisor. The UMSL Veterans Center is responsible for certifying your VA benefits and CANNOT do so unless you complete the necessary steps. In addition, understanding your benefits is important to make sure you do not encounter any financial problems as you start your classes here at UMSL. The UMSL Veterans Center will not only help you get started, but also inform you of the VA policies that govern how you can use your benefits. This includes what the VA considers a full-time student, problems with adding/dropping courses mid-semester, and how your classes are certified through the VA.

To talk with the UMSL Veterans Center please contact:

UMSL Veterans Center
211 Clark Hall | (314) 516-5705