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The Science in the Real World: Microbes in Action program gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following organizations.

The following Scientists have generously contributed their expertise and time to the Science in the Real World: Microbes in Action program.

Many of the activities of this program were developed with the help of St. Louis area high school teachers.

  • Jennifer Cosgrove - Francis Howell Central
  • Loretha Allen - Beaumont High School
  • Don Cohn - Kirkwood High School
  • Hazel Jensen - John Burroughs School
  • Elmer Kellmann - Parkway Central High School
  • Elaine Kilmer - John Burroughs School
  • Patricia Laird - Brentwood High School
  • Regina Lindsey-Lynch - Webster Groves High School
  • William Schwindt - Lindbergh High School
  • Mary Kebert Strawhun - Hazelwood West Senior High
  • Martha Thompson - Francis Howell North High School