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Make your gift to the St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis by joining as a member or giving online. This convenient, step-by-step process will allow you to fulfill a previous pledge or make a new gift. Your information is encrypted by Secure Sockets Layers technology and protected by the UM-St. Louis Privacy Policy.

The Mercantile Library at UM-St. Louis offers several convenient ways to make a gift. You may make a gift online or if you would prefer to mail your gift, please download the Contribution Form (1 Pages, 325 KB, PDF) and send to the following address:

St. Louis Mercantile Library at UMSL
Attn: Director
1 University Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63121


Planned Giving

Learn more about Planned Giving to the Mercantile Library.