Arrow and Settlement

Arrow and Settlement (p. 39)
Camache Barrier to South Plain Settlement. Rubert Norval Richardson. Abilene: Hardin-Simmons University, 1991.
Merc Ncirc Rare E85 .I522 1837

The graphic or visual representations of the past are important in that they resonate in the paintings of twentieth century Western artists, such as Russell, Schreyvogel, Farney, Couse, Remington and others. These paintings and the analogue narratives on which they are in part based in turn have influenced scores of motion pictures-from John Ford to Michael Mann-and hundreds of television "westerns" over the past half century. Whether handled as high art in literature, painting or film, or as popular culture-from the old dime novels to melodramatic screenplay, all of these forms-including the graphic, printed engravings and woodcuts, bear evocative witness to the power and resilience of the captivity narrative as an archetypical system of literary and visual images through the past five centuries.