
M-393: Real Estate Sale Broadside

Repository St. Louis Mercantile Library Special Collections

Title Real Estate Sale Broadside

Date 1831-02-14

Extent 1 broadside

Location note Vault - vertical files

Language English 

Abstract Broadside for notice of sale of real estate, with manuscript written on back side of broadside.

Preferred Citation note The preferred citation for this collection is "From the collections of the St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri - St. Louis."

Scope and Contents note

This collection consists of one printed broadside announcing the sale of "150 acres of land, more or less; lying in Range five, and Township forty-four, on the south side of the Merimack River; bounded on the North; by said River; on the East, by lands of John Williams, dec'd.; on the West, by lands of the late John Carson, dec'd.; and on the South, by lands of Hamilton Williams."

"Also,--Two Lots in the town of Fenton."

On the verso of the broadside, there is a handwritten manuscript, transcribed below:

"I Jno. K. Walker Sheriff as hereby certify that caused to be put up at the following named places a copy of this advertisement twenty days before the sale -- before the 30th day of March 1831 at the court house doors, at Fashnughty Barber Shop, at the Missouri Hotel at the city Hotel, at the Green Tree Tavern in the city of St. Louis, at Phillys Tavern in Bonhomnic, at Blacksmith Shop 5 miles east of Manchester, at -- Store in Manchester, at Lamisi Store in same place, -- McDonald's Mill in St. Ferdinand Township at Owens Station at Thomas Shop, at Connelly Grocery in Florissant, and at I. Aubuchon's -- same village, one at H. Jofo Tavern on Florissant Road -- at Darny -- Loc -- -- in St. Louis Township. Ten of the most public places in the county. Shff cost $5.00

Jno. K. Walker Shff."

Conditions Governing Access note

This collection is open for research. A digital reproduction of this resource exists on the UMSL Digital Library.

Conditions Governing Use note

Access Restrictions: Due to the rare and fragile nature of this resource, use of the collection’s materials must be reviewed by library staff. Please contact the Library at 314-516-7247 for more information.

Copyright Information: The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Fee Services: Fees associated with staff research time, cost recovery in reproductions processing time and materials, and licensing may apply.